Dill with breastfeeding

Many housewives love dill for a pleasant taste, which finds food when it is used, as well as for what kind of smart look it gives to dishes. In addition, it is known that greens are distinguished by a high content of nutrients. For young mothers, the question of enriching their diet with vitamins is particularly relevant, because women are wondering whether fennel can be used when breastfeeding. New parents are interested in understanding this topic and find out the necessary information.

Benefits of dill during breastfeeding

Specialists are allowed to use this garden crop to nursing mothers. Greens in the content of vitamin C surpass even lemons. Also worth noting is the high amount of vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, many other trace elements. Dill has such useful properties:

Seeds of dill with breastfeeding

Not only does the green part of the plant differ in its properties. In pharmacies sold dill water, which young mothers appreciate for their ability to improve lactation. The product is made from fennel oil, but for cooking at home, the mother can use dill seeds.

It is very easy to make such water. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped seeds with hot water (1 glass), the product should be infused for 2 hours.

Also, with breastfeeding, you can prepare a decoction of chopped dill seeds, anise, fennel, fenugreek. A glass of boiling water is steamed this mixture (1 tbsp.) For half an hour. Such teas are usually drunk twice a day for about half a glass. You can prepare a decoction of fresh herbs. It is also believed that if the mother uses dill water, then the baby will be less concerned about colic.

Precautionary measures

It is useful for young mothers to remember the contraindications that dill has. Substances that make up the plant expand the walls of the vessels, which can be dangerous for those suffering from hypotension. If a woman has low blood pressure, she will have to stop using dill.

If the mother has a tendency to allergies or gallbladder disease, then she should be cautious about using this plant. In other cases it is believed that fresh dill with breastfeeding can be eaten already on the 10th day after childbirth.