Melanin in tablets

Melanin is a natural dark pigment found in skin epidermal cells, hair, iris of the eyes. Its number is defined as the genotype of a person (people with light or dark skin), and the influence of environmental factors (sunburn).

Why do we need melanin?

It is believed that, first of all, melanin performs a protective function, preventing harmful effects on the body of ultraviolet radiation. So, sunburn is a protective reaction to sunlight, which stimulates the production of melanin in the skin. Violation of melanin synthesis can be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals, a violation of the hormonal balance, and also observed in certain diseases, including congenital ones.

Preparations with melanin - myths and reality

To begin with, only a limited list of photoprotector ointments for the skin contains melanin. Melanin in tablets, by the way of which you can make up for its lack in the body, does not exist in nature.

All pills for suntan and other drugs designed to increase the level of melanin, do not contain it directly, but are intended to stimulate the production of this substance by the body.

Drugs for increasing the level of melanin

Conventionally, such funds can be divided into two categories: direct medications used in cases where decreased skin pigmentation is a disease, and dietary supplements, most often on a vitamin and plant basis.

Consider some preparations of the second group (not requiring medical appointment):

  1. Vitamin complexes, primarily an oil solution of vitamin A (for example, retinol acetate).
  2. Tablets for sunburn Pro Soleil - biologically active additive of the French manufacture with the maintenance of vitamins, antioxidants , lutein and beta-carotene.
  3. Tablets Nature Tan - a drug based on beta-carotene, which also includes vitamin E, zinc, selenium and various herbal extracts (soy, turmeric, grapes).
  4. Capsules Bevital-San is a biologically active additive containing beta-carotene and B vitamins.
  5. Tablets Inneov - are a biologically active complex with the content of vitamins, antioxidants and extracts of Indian gooseberries.

In addition to the listed products, which help increase the amount of melanin in the body, tanning tablets, which include the synthetic dye xanthaxanthine, may be on sale. Such drugs, although they give the skin a darker shade, but do not affect the level of melanin, and can also have a large number of undesirable side effects.