How to get rid of pigment spots on the face?

Pigmented spots , especially on the face, are a serious cosmetic defect. Therefore, any woman who has this problem, seeks to find effective ways, removing or removing pigment spots on the face. This is what we will discuss in this article, but first we will understand why there are pigmented spots and what they are.

The causes of the appearance of age spots on the face

The main causes of skin pigmentation disorders are as follows:

Types of pigment spots

Pigmented spots on the face can be white or dark. White pigment spots - areas of skin in which there is no pigment melanin; such a disease is called vitiligo. Dark spots, on the contrary, are associated with an overabundance of melanin in the skin.

Age spots on the face are, most often, lentigo - dense dark brown or brown spots of different sizes, having a rounded shape. However, lentigo is not only senile and can appear even at a young age.

Most often on the face there is a chloasma - pigmentary spots from yellowish-brown to yellowish-gray color with precise outlines.

Freckles - small multiple pigmented spots of light and dark yellow color. Usually freckles disappear on their own by the age of 40, but sometimes they may reappear in adulthood.

Brocc's dermatosis is dark spots of fuzzy outline localized near the mouth and nose.

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face?

To remove pigmentation spots on the face, it is best to seek the help of professionals. Depending on the degree of severity, type and cause of appearance of pigment spots on the face, different methods of their clarification or removal can be used:

  1. Chemical peeling - renewal of the surface layer of the skin with the help of a special acid solution.
  2. Laser resurfacing - removal of hyperpigmented skin cells by laser.
  3. Phototherapy - the impact on the skin of pulsed light radiation.
  4. Microdermabrasion is the renewal of the upper layer of the skin by the action of a stream of the smallest abrasive particles.
  5. Mesotherapy - subcutaneous microinjection with special bleaching solutions.
  6. Cryotherapy - treatment of the skin with liquid nitrogen.

In addition, there are creams for getting rid of pigment spots on the face, capable of whitening them. Such agents contain such components as ascorbic acid, azelaic acid, abutin, hydroquinone, mercury. Apply antipygent creams should be on the advice and under the supervision of a specialist, as they can have serious contraindications and side effects.

Whitening the face from pigment spots with folk remedies

With small pigment spots you can manage at home with the help of "grandmother's" recipes.

The most simple means for whitening pigment spots is lemon. To do this, after cleansing the face, problem areas are wiped with a slice of lemon. Alternatively, you can add lemon juice to the water to rinse your face.

Effectively brightens the skin of parsley, from which you can prepare a mask. Fresh leaves, stems (in winter - the roots) of parsley should be grinded on a meat grinder and put the received mass on problem zones for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse with water. You can also wipe your face with fresh parsley juice instead of lotion.

Whitening pigment spots will help mask of white clay. To do this, the clay should be diluted with water to a creamy state and applied to the skin until it dries, then rinse with water. Owners of dry skin is recommended to add a little cream in this mask.