Diet of Dr. Ionova

Lidia Ionova's diet, like any professionally composed diet, has a strict scientific justification. The main rule of this system of nutrition is to prevent jumps of sugar in the blood, because of which there is an unhealthy appetite and a tendency to overeating.

Diet by the method of Dr. Ionova

All those who do not like to remember complex nutrition schemes, will be satisfied with the diet of Dr. Ionova. It is required to compose your entire diet from products whose glycemic index (what affects blood sugar level) is less than 50 units, and also to monitor the balance of the diet on the pyramid, which is attached to the diet of Ionova:

Determine the glycemic index (GI) of products is very simple: there are special tables, where the indices are indicated. It is enough to print it and hang it on the refrigerator:

You can lose weight on such a diet as long as you want, until you reach the desired weight. This gives a slow but lasting effect.

Healthy habits: Dr. Ionova's diet

The diet of Dr. Ionova allows any person to easily adjust to a more proper diet. The problem of short diets is that a person does not have time to say goodbye to fat, how he immediately returns to the usual diet and gaining weight back. This system changes the eating habits, which makes it easy to maintain weight.

Consider the right diet menu example:

Eating this way constantly, you will not feel hunger, become healthier and easily get rid of extra pounds.