Adam's apple - medicinal properties

Maklura is a berry that is a close relative of the mulberry familiar to all and belongs to the mulberry family. It grows in a warm southern climate, has the shape of a ball with a rather original appearance, and inside resembles the pulp of kiwi. Makluru is also called Adam's apple, which, although inedible, but the medicinal properties is very diverse.

Composition and properties of the Adam's apple

The fruit is rich in cyclic triterpene alcohols - sterols, bile acids, saponins, as well as pectin substances, various acids and flavonoids, which in many ways determine the healing properties of this plant. Their lion's share is in kaempferol, which has antibacterial and antimicrobial action, and this substance has a harmful effect on blood vessels supplying cancer cells with nutrients and oxygen, therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of cancer.

In traditional medicine, orange orange and ointment tincture is used, which are recommended for use in radiculitis, osteochondrosis, gout, polyarthritis , eczema, dermatitis, hernia, spurs on the heels. In addition, the tincture is indicated for persons suffering from CNS disorders, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, upper respiratory tract. In the latter case, it can help those that fight well against bacteria and viruses - frequent pathogens of influenza, ARI, pneumonia, etc. The ability to stimulate the body's defenses is another of the list of medicinal properties of the Adam's apple.

Method of preparation and use of the tincture

Speaking about the application of Adam's apple and its beneficial properties, it is worth noting that some prefer to prepare alcoholic tincture on their own, rather than buying it in a pharmacy. Here is the most popular cooking recipe:

Grate the fruits of the pastry on a medium-sized grater and mix with 70% alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. Infuse for 14 days in a cold dark place. The tincture obtained with this recipe is intended for topical application, but for the inner proportion the same ones are taken, only vodka is used instead of alcohol and the remedy is insisted for at least one month, but it becomes effective only after six months.

To fight with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis tincture rub the sore spot until the appearance of heat, and then wrap around for 20 minutes or even for the whole night. Inside the drug take once a day for 2 drops before eating. The course of treatment is 1 month. When treating cancer, the "royal technique" is used, which consists in taking 1 drop of the drug and then increasing this dose by one more drop every day. After reaching 30 drops, you should return to one, a month to rest and repeat the course. The drug is drunk on an empty stomach and diluted with water.

Method of preparation of ointment and its application

Ointment with healing properties based on the Adam's apple can also be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can prepare yourself for this recipe:

Grind the fruits of the Adam's apple and lay in a glass jar with layers, alternating with layers of pork interior fat. Close cap cap and put on water bath for a whole day. After pressing the cake, place the ointment in the refrigerator.

Use the same as rattan. And for the treatment of hemorrhoids, rectal cancer and gynecological ailments, a yellow wax should be added to such an ointment that did not have time to harden - about 1/4 to 1/6 of the volume. Wait until the wax melts, achieve uniform consistency and pour it into suppositories made from foil.


The Adam's apple has not only healing properties, but also contraindications. It can not be treated with the help of pregnant and lactating women, children, or diabetics. Admission tincture can not be combined with taking antibiotics and alcohol. After therapy, it is recommended to clean the liver.