Melissa officinalis - properties and application in folk medicine

A fragrant plant is added to tea, without thinking that it brings enormous benefits to the body. Melissa officinalis is used in many folk recipes for healing and for cosmetic purposes. In this case, do not forget that the plant can be contraindicated to some people.

How is melissa useful?

The plant includes essential oils, tannic and mucous substances, flavonoids, carotene, ascorbic acid and other useful substances. There are various macro- and microelements in it, for example, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and so on. All this causes the fact that the lemon balm has a positive effect on the condition of the body.

  1. Has an antispasmodic effect, so it will help ease the condition with spasm of muscles , respiratory system, stomach, head and so on.
  2. It improves the activity of the digestive system and is especially effective for plants with constipation, excessive gas formation and swelling. Thanks to the sedative effect of decoctions and infusions can relieve any discomfort arising during the work of the digestive system.
  3. Melissa is a medicinal plant that has a diaphoretic effect, due to which the body cleanses toxins through sweat. Tea with leaves is useful at an elevated temperature and cold, because it effectively copes with various infections.
  4. Tones up the whole body, strengthens immunity and increases stamina.
  5. Has a diuretic effect, due to which the body cleanses of excess fluid, which provokes swelling.
  6. The use of lemon balm for women is due to the presence of substances in the composition that improve the hormonal background, facilitating the condition during menstruation. With regular use, you can normalize the cycle and reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms of PMS.
  7. Normalizes the state of the nervous system, helping to cope with insomnia, stress and nervous overexertion. Drinks based on melissa will be useful in situations where you need to focus on work and increase concentration.
  8. Positively affects the condition of the heart, so broths and infusions will be useful to people who have problems with this body. With regular admission, it is possible to minimize cardiac pain and stabilize blood pressure.
  9. Use the plant and externally to cope with various skin diseases, for example, with lichens, rashes, fungi and so on.

Application of lemon balm in folk medicine

A rich chemical composition and a list of useful properties makes the fragrant plant common in folk medicine. Melissa is a unique plant that is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine system. It is recommended to drink tea, decoctions and infusions for colds and inflammations, and even for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gynecology.

Melissa with stomach ulcer

Scientists have proven the benefits of a fragrant plant with various digestive diseases. Melissa, the beneficial properties of which have a relaxing, analgesic and antispasmodic effect. Use it to make a tincture that envelops the mucosa and helps to restore it. You need to drink it every day until you improve.



  1. First, grind the leaves, for example, in a meat grinder to make a gruel, and pour them with boiling water. Close the lid, wrap and insist half an hour.
  2. Cook the tincture, strain, and take 0.5 tbsp. 1-2 times a day.

Melissa with diabetes

When diabetes is effective is a complex therapy, which, in addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, allows the use of folk recipes. It should be noted that the plant does not affect the degree of glycemia, but it has a restorative effect. Melissa, whose medicinal properties are proved by scientists, has an easy diuretic effect that relieves swelling. In some cases, diabetes causes eczema, and the cleansing properties of this plant will also be useful here. It is recommended to drink tea with melissa every day.

Melissa with pancreatitis

Folk recipes, including a fragrant plant, are useful in inflammation of the pancreas , since they have enveloping action. Melissa, whose benefits are proven by scientists, gives results after the first intake. Decoctions and infusions eliminate spasms and reduce pain. They have a mild cholagogue effect, clearing the pancreas from excess enzymes.



  1. Fresh or dry leaves fill with hot water, cover the lid and insist for an hour.
  2. After cooling, strain, and drink 100 ml for 30 minutes. before meals.

Melissa for sleeping

In the leaves and shoots is an essential oil, which is rich in vitamins and minerals, and they cause a sedative effect. They use leucorrhoea to cope with depression, neuroses and insomnia. Melissa grass as a soothing agent is not only allowed for adults, but also for children. To feel the benefit, you need to drink a cup of fragrant tea.

Melissa from a headache

Many people confirm the effectiveness of the presented plant for rapid relief from headaches. Finding out how useful balm for the body, it is worth pointing out that it relieves nerve spasms and reduces noise in the ears . The essential oil contained in the leaves has a soothing effect and can be used in aromatherapy. There are different recipes with melissa, so you can just add the leaves to tea or make a simple decoction.

Decoction for headache



  1. With hot water, pour the plant and boil everything for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Drink the broth instead of the usual tea before going to bed.

Melissa in Cosmetology

Useful properties of plants since ancient times are used for cosmetic purposes. Melissa is popular not only in folk medicine recipes, but also in professional remedies that improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is important to consider that some people may have allergies, so before applying the selected recipes you need to conduct an allergy test. Finding out how useful balm for women, it is worth pointing out that she makes the skin and hair healthier and more beautiful.

Melissa for hair

The plant, thanks to its rich composition, can strengthen the roots, preventing hair loss, moisturizing the skin and normalizing greasiness. Describing the usefulness of melissa grass, it is worth pointing out that it softens the hair, protects, removes dryness and fragility, removes varnishes and other styling products. After several procedures you can see a good result. The easiest way to use mincemeat is to prepare the broth and rinse it with hair.

Broth balm for hair



  1. Mix everything and put the container on fire. After boiling, boil the broth for 5-10 minutes. on a small fire.
  2. At the next cooking step, cool the broth, strain and rinse.

Melissa - facial masks

The leaves of the presented plant are used for the preparation of numerous products that compete well with viruses, bacteria and normalize the production of sebum. With regular application, you can improve the complexion, smooth out fine wrinkles, get rid of rashes, moisten and tone the dermis. Melissa for the skin will help to cope with signs of fatigue, pigmentation, dryness and flaking.

Mask for rejuvenation and moisturizing



  1. Grind the herb and mix well with the other ingredients of the remedy.
  2. The resulting mass is applied to the face with a thick layer. Hold for 25 minutes. and then rinse with warm water.

Mask from peeling and tightening



  1. Grind the leaves to get 2 tbsp. spoons of gruel. Add the oil and put on the steam bath to melt.
  2. Stir constantly, and then, cool a little and add honey. Apply mass to face for 20 minutes.

Melissa for weight loss

People who want to lose weight, can include in the complex therapy the use of tea, prepared on the basis of melissa leaves. The plant activates the metabolism , cleanses the body and improves the digestive system. Understanding the benefits of melissa for weight loss, it is worth mentioning the soothing effect of the plant, which is important for lovers in stressful situations to absorb harmful food. A day should drink no more than one liter.

What is harmful for lemon balm?

In some cases, the plant can be dangerous to health, therefore it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications:

  1. You can not drink drinks made on the basis of leaves, under reduced pressure.
  2. Thanks to a powerful soothing effect, the herb slows down the reaction, so the balm, contra-indicated by the doctors, is not recommended for people who sit behind the wheel.
  3. In some people, individual intolerance is possible, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic rash.
  4. Melissa officinalis can cause a number of side effects, for example, vomiting, nausea, muscle weakness, diarrhea and so on.