What is useful propolis?

Hard-working bees and mother nature gave the world a product with the richest composition - propolis. Collecting resinous material from the bark of trees, insects use it to protect hives from environmental factors, and people use the fruits of these labors in surgery, dentistry, ophthalmology, urology, gynecology and pediatrics.

What is useful propolis?

The unique composition of propolis allows to call it an elixir of health, numerous medicinal properties of which are used by traditional healers and traditional medicine.

  1. Slows the growth of new and kills the existing harmful bacteria, benzoic acid, which gives propolis antibacterial properties.
  2. Vitamins B, C, E, provitamin A participate in the metabolic and biochemical processes of our body, thereby speeding up recovery.
  3. Phenolic acid, contained in propolis, strengthens the vessels, being an excellent diuretic and cholagogue.
  4. Healing of various purulent wounds, as well as gastric ulcers, promotes ferulic acid, which is in the product.
  5. Bee secret also adds propolis to biological activity.

The softer the product, the more useful the propolis, the absence of impurities means that it is treated more effectively, and its quality indicators are very high. A solid substance prepared by bees to seal hive seams contains many impurities, which reduces its value.


Useful properties of propolis are obvious, but the product has contraindications. People who are allergic to beekeeping derivatives, it is better to refrain from treatment with resinous substance. Also, experts do not recommend starting therapy with propolis to patients with eczema, urticaria, bronchial asthma . Prevent allergic reaction, which is most often expressed in itching, burning, headache, fever, nausea, can be taken with small doses of the drug at the beginning of treatment.

Methods of application

The most common form of the drug is an alcoholic propolis extract, which has all the useful properties of the product, which can be taken either externally or inward. Diluting agent 1:10, it is used for diseases of the oral cavity (rinsing), in pure form, the medicine is smeared with wounds, insect bites. Traditional healers argue that daily taking propolis inside can help get rid of gastritis.

Ointments, compresses, lotion from resinous substances are able to relieve of toothache and various joint diseases.

In pure form, the product is used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, by its resorption. Young children do not like to take medicines, therefore, propolis, melted in milk, can help to come to the aid, it is useful to chew the product to babies, it is necessary to find out from the attending physician, since an allergic reaction is possible.