Mental illnesses

No one is immune from mental illness. Regardless of the fact that we live in a highly developed century, the state of ecology, the daily inhuman dose of stress, bad heredity - all this "beats" on the state of mental health.

Causes of mental illnesses

  1. Genes play an important role in the work of the brain, in its full functioning.
  2. Failures of the biochemical plan (distinguish between congenital and acquired).
  3. Immunological failure (primarily, violations of T-lymphocyte activity).
  4. Infections (for example, syphilis of the nervous system generates progressive paralysis).
  5. The presence of psychotrauma, which erases the personal ability to overcome, arising during life, mental difficulties.

Types of mental illnesses

Psychiatry divides the disease into two groups, which include diseases of the endo- and exogenous type. So, the first kind should include violations caused by the causes that are inside the person ( schizophrenia , cyclotomy, etc.). Exogenous unite the factors of the external world.

It will not be superfluous to note that this typology includes psychogenic disorders. Reactive psychosis, somatoform disorders are also included in this group. In the developmental pathology caused by the anomaly in the formation of a person, the underdevelopment of mental health (oligophrenia) and other delays in this development is included.

Symptoms of mental illnesses

In the early period of development, the symptoms are either not sufficiently defined, or simply do not have, say, a clearly delineated manifestation. In mentally ill people of young age, they can look like unremarkable complexities of a young character (for example, whims). Soon mental illness makes itself felt in the form of the following signs: