What is ethics and what does modern ethics study?

Asking the question, what is ethics, many do not even suspect how rich and broad this concept is. It can mean mutual respect, a culture of communication, a change in outlook on life, the possibility of spiritual development or career growth. Therefore, it is important to be able to correctly and timely dispose of the available knowledge to achieve a cherished goal.

What does ethics study?

Since ancient times, ethics as a science is one of the directions of philosophy that deals with the study of moral and moral values ​​of various social groups. This connection with the philosophical science is explained by the fact that in order to understand the fundamental moments of ethics, knowledge of the foundations of philosophy is required.

What is ethics? The concept under consideration is often called a knowledge area, which includes the study of norms so important for the development of society - behavior, rules, traditions, an assessment of people's goals and actions in a given situation. The main landmarks of this science are used in the study of social, political, family issues.

How does ethics differ from etiquette?

All of us from childhood remember that we were taught to observe the rules of etiquette , this concerned behavior not only in public places, but also at home. Etiquette is a group of norms or rules of conduct in public places. Here are some of them:

Modern ethics, in continuation of the traditions of ancient philosophers and thinkers, is engaged in studying the deeper moral problems of mankind. Therefore, consonant concepts of ethics and etiquette have different definitions, but definitely important, and in a sense similar to society. These may include:

Ethics and psychology

As a rule, ethics of personality is an integral part in the study of various sections of such a science as psychology. This is due to the fact that this science is engaged in the study of the psychological aspects of the personality, its existence, interaction with the surrounding society, the processes that occur in the mind of a person and often are the cause of his actions. Ethics, in addition, considers the behavior and outlook of a person, but in terms of the moral and moral foundations and traditions that have developed in society.

Asking the question, what is ethics, it is possible to consider some of its functions, with the help of which it is possible to correct some moments in the psychological and moral education of the individual and the whole society as a whole:

Professional Ethics

An important direction in the study of ethical norms is their extension to the labor sphere of human activity. When taking a job, it is important to remember what professional ethics is. This is a system of moral norms and rules of behavior of a specialist, which is a feature of a specific production sphere. Its compliance is often an obligatory requirement in the workplace, the key to successful development, and, possibly, even career growth.

Corporate Ethics

At present, employees of most enterprises and companies, both foreign and Russian, know what corporate ethics are - a system of moral and moral principles, based on which employees interact with each other or with outside organizations. In this case, ethical norms allow to establish and regulate relations between employees and their approach to solving tasks or fulfilling the plan. Corporate ethics can include the following principles:

Business ethics

All businessmen, managers and high-ranking officials are familiar with the ethics of business communication - a set of norms of service conduct, which is aimed at achieving the set goals. Often it includes the following components:

In most cases, some rules of business communication are contrary to the characteristics of the character and mentality of the employee. In this situation, you should choose between the requirements of the workflow and the habit or your own principles. In some cases, the observance of the ethics of business communication can become a pledge of successful business development and promotion on the career ladder.

Religious Ethics

Church traditions are characterized by their moral values, because religion and ethics are inextricably linked with each other. Religious ethics is a system of moral principles that characterize the behavior and consciousness of a person. They rely on the church commandments, but are not limited to them. In addition to interrelations within society, ethics in religion establish moral rules and norms for the relationship between man and God, the possibility of forgiveness, healing and faith of people in the divine beginning.

Ethics of family relations

In the family, the ethics of relationships, in addition to love and affection, are a fundamental part of a happy marriage. In this case, moral values ​​are based on the following principles:

Please note that the ethics of the relationship between marriage partners and relatives is important for maintaining a full and happy family, moral and moral education of the future generation. In connection with the transitory rhythm of life, a large number of people sometimes do not even react to the words or deeds of people close to them: spouses, parents, children.

Secular ethics

Answering the question, what is secular ethics, it is important to recall the definition of the term "secular" - civil, not ecclesiastical. Hence it follows that secular ethics is a set of moral principles based on the activities of civil society without the influence of the church. These principles, as a rule, are highlighted by reason, and not by human consciousness. They regulate relations between people in terms of morality, introduce the concepts of good and evil, benefactors and compassion, without which the life of a civilized society is impossible.

Ethics on the Internet

On the Internet, the ethics of network communication is a person's way of communicating in the absence of personal contact with an opponent. Regardless of such a feature, it is not a solution to insult and obscene jokes in someone else's address. In addition to such a widespread problem when communicating on the World Wide Web, the ethics of network communication can include the following principles:

Social ethics

For a civilized society, the ethics of social work are characteristic, which includes norms of interaction of people in society. Such rules or principles can regulate the activities of the individual in society, support its existence, increase the responsibility of those responsible for the normal development of society. The very same person is important to adhere to the norms of social ethics for the successful development of both himself and the society that surrounds him.

Moral ethics

The concepts of ethics and morality are often used in one context. Morals are the norms for regulating behavior or assessing a person's actions, his relationships with society, and also the features of political and interstate interaction. Moral ethics also represents a system of similar norms applicable in various spheres of society:

In any situation, it is important to remember what ethics are, and that this concept exists not only for settlement, but also for assessing the interaction of people in various spheres of their life. Following the ethical standards, you can find the necessary balance for a comfortable existence, to understand the line between good and evil, to learn to be just and merciful, which is sometimes lacking in modern society.