How to protect yourself from envy?

When a person achieves certain successes, many people begin to concentrate their thoughts and energy on it. Negative-minded people can blame in many ways positively minded for various reasons. Very often behind this is the usual envy and anger. Today we will try to figure out how to protect ourselves from envy.

Try not to provoke people once again. Do not brag about your victories and successes, because we do not know where we will be tomorrow. Many people wear a red ribbon tied to nine knots. This color has a positive charge and is able to neutralize all negative influences. Also there are many special amulets. If you want to buy something, it's best to have a trusted specialist who can charge talismans with his energy and make them your shield.

How to protect yourself from the envy of colleagues?

If you feel negative in your direction, it's worth thinking about. Protection from envy at work can be in specially charged things, but many psychologists advise not to take it seriously. If you take things too seriously, you can just not leave the house. As many esoteric teachings say, we must work out our own karma, and maybe you were sent a test that should test you for strength. Learn to forgive others and not respond evil to a bad attitude. Do not discuss the envious person, let him not just affect your mood. How to protect yourself from the envy of girlfriends? If you feel that your friends envy you, it is better to limit the communication with these persons. True friends will always support and help, and you will certainly feel sincerity . If you have good friends, you simply should not have the question of how to protect yourself from envy and anger.

Home protection

There is one very important secret. Perhaps this is the most reliable protection against envy. If you are filled with love and give only it, nothing bad can happen to you. After all, the state of love is the most powerful defense. You just can not be negatively affected. If you are surrounded by envious people, do not give in to the influence of someone else's envy, try to give these people as much love as possible. If you figure it out, envious people are not bad at all, they just did not get it right. But it can be fixed, so you just have to learn how to give love. But if you start to react to this even mentally, then you will attract even more envy and bad events.

If you are jealous, you do not need to get upset. It means that you are better and more successful. Continue to rejoice in life, develop and give love to everyone around and then you will definitely be all right, even in the presence of difficult life challenges that will still make you even better.