Nightmares are being removed - what should I do?

Almost every person has seen nightmares at least once in his life, but what if they dream regularly and bring tangible discomfort? Scary pictures, seen at night, can cause depression, headaches, and feelings of anxiety.

Reasons for having nightmares?

The main reasons can be considered strong nervous tension, stress, and also a depressive state. Still it can be the first sign of development at you any illness connected with nervous system. Psychologists are sure that the cause of regular negative dreams can be emotional traumas of childhood.

Other reasons why people have nightmares:

  1. Eating greasy and spicy food. Such products increase body temperature and accelerate metabolism , which does not allow you to relax peacefully.
  2. Incorrect location of the bed. There are cases when moving a bed even a few centimeters can get rid of terrible dreams.
  3. Reinforced workouts have a bad effect on the adrenal glands, which can cause a decrease in blood glucose, which in turn affects the dreams.
  4. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Some medications can cause restless sleep.
  6. Certain diseases that are associated with increased body temperature.

To understand why every night has nightmares, you need to compare what you have written with what is happening in your life and take up the elimination of the causes.

General recommendations:

  1. If you take medications that promote the excitation of the central nervous system, then take them only in the morning, and if possible, replace them with analogs that do not have such side effects.
  2. Eliminate the consumption of alcohol, and avoid overeating at night and eating "heavy" foods before bed.
  3. If you are involved in sports, then, if possible, transfer the evening class to an earlier time.