Psychology of stress

Today, anyone who does not listen, everyone complains about stress, regardless of whether positive or negative stress. In principle, we correctly call the state when the blood boils, the look grows dull, and it seems that you can do everything, even though the mountain is curtailed. This is the impact of stress on the body. Let's try to understand the psychology of stress, more detailed.

What is stress?

Stress is a physiological reaction of the body to the stimulus, and it does not matter whether the positive stimulus or the negative, biochemical response of the organism is the same. The difference lies in the magnitude of stress , or whether our adaptive abilities are superior to the event that caused stress. It is on this basis in psychology that stress and distress are shared.

Harmful stress

Since stress is love, kisses, and any other joyous event, we will talk about distress, because it is "harmful stress" that can damage our health. The constant distress is experienced by soldiers in the war, air traffic controllers, a driver whose car out of nowhere suddenly a pedestrian jumped out.

The benefits of stress

In principle, the science of psychology, although it deals with the fight against stress, but all psychologists are unanimous in the opinion that stress is the driving force of our world. Let's try to figure this out: when "insurmountable" obstacles arise before a person, never before, he, under the influence of stress hormones, can mobilize all his physical and psychic powers, and overcome an obstacle. That is, this obstacle was over his adaptive abilities, and he, having overcome this obstacle, increased his life adaptation. In other words, it became better.

When in psychology they talk about stress and stress resistance, they mean exactly such people - those who already faced serious problems in their lives, therefore, new stimuli will react less violently, even more reservedly and calmly. As they say, they are now "the sea by the tribe."

"Inhuman" power

How many times have there been cases that can not be logically and scientifically explained. We all know stories about mothers who turn machines, shift beams, pull them out of the fire, raise trees to save their children. All this is due to the strongest stress, which, as it does not sound ridiculous, pushes people to exploits. That is, stress reveals the hidden potentialities of a person to deal with a situation that he does not want to accept. All these strong fragile women conceal in themselves the inexhaustible resources of the human body, which our body will always show for the first need.