Is it possible to nurse a nursing mother?

Often, young mothers, whose baby is breastfed, the question arises as to whether a lactating mother can eat pasta. The answer to it is positive, but it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

Can I eat macaroni for a nursing mother?

As already mentioned above, there are no prohibitions on this product. After all, macaroni itself is nothing more than wheat flour and water. And their various names (spaghetti, horns, feathers) are explained by different forms of these products.

However, to adhere to quantitative restrictions on macaroni is still necessary. The thing is that this product can provoke disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. often leads to the development of constipation. That is why at the time of purchasing pasta it is necessary to give preference to those that are made on the basis of durum wheat.

How to eat pasta nurse?

Knowing that the macaroni themselves are allowed to those women whose babies are breastfeeding, the nursing mother thinks about whether it is possible for her pasta, for example, with cheese , or with stew, in a Fleet manner.

When introducing macaroni into your diet, with any type of garnish, nursing should follow the following rules:

  1. At the first "tasting" you can eat only a small portion of ready-made macaroni (not more than 50 g). It is recommended to cook them without a lot of spices, as well as additional ingredients.
  2. Always during the day should observe the reaction of the baby to a new dish in the mother's diet. Particular attention should be given to changes in the work of the intestines, as well as digestive system (constipation, colic, bloating).
  3. If there are no undesirable reactions, you can gradually increase the amount of pasta consumed in food to 150 g per day, and up to 350 g per week. In time, various ingredients and additives can be added to them.