Hawthorn - useful properties

Even in the Middle Ages, the use of hawthorn was widely known. The uniqueness of this plant lies in the fact that the medicinal effect is inherent in all its parts - the bark, leaves, flowers, fruits and even the roots of the tree. In this article, we will examine the medicinal properties of hawthorn and methods of preparing medicines from it.

Healing properties of hawthorn

Due to the content of a large number of flavonoids, vitamins and amino acids, hawthorn is actively used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, especially with degeneration of the heart muscles and sclerotic changes in the coronary vessels. Useful properties of hawthorn can quickly restore normal blood circulation after myocardial infarction and rupture of cardiac vessels, reduce high blood pressure.

It should be noted that the medicinal products from the plant in question are relevant for preventing the weakening of the heart muscle due to the transfer of various infectious diseases. Active components of hawthorn prevent heart wear even with very strong overloads, improve the nutrition of cardiac cells and increase their activity.

In addition, hawthorn is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, rheumatism, headaches, epilepsy and bowel diseases.

The Benefits of Hawthorn Decoction

The dosage form in question is mainly used for the therapy and prevention of central nervous system and heart diseases. The most effective raw materials are the hawthorn berries due to their beneficial properties.

Decoction of the fruit of the plant to reduce the excitability of the nervous system and improve sleep:

To treat hypertensive disease is also useful decoction of hawthorn. It is prepared and applied in a similar way, only to boil the fruit should be a little longer - 30-35 minutes.

Useful properties of hawthorn flowers

Essential oils contained in plant colors, help with insomnia, restore strength at high physical exertion, strengthen the heart and help restore the field of infarction. The most common dosage form for the use of hawthorn flowers is infusion.

Recipe 1 . Dry crushed inflorescences in the amount of 15 g brew in 200 ml of boiling water, cover the dishes and wait half an hour. After 30 minutes drain the infusion and take half the standard glass before eating.

Recipe 2 . Three tablespoons of dried hawthorn flowers crushed thoroughly, put in glassware and pour alcohol (100-150 ml). 10 days in a dark place, periodically shaking dishes. Take after a specified time on a teaspoon before each meal, about 20 minutes.

Useful properties of honey from hawthorn

In addition to the well-known benefits of natural honey, this tasty product of nectar hawthorn flowers is enriched with additional properties. It strengthens the capillaries and arterial walls, normalizes blood circulation, lowers arterial blood pressure and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Benefits of tea with hawthorn

Tea can be bought in a pharmacy or prepared independently from the dry leaves, fruits and flowers of the plant, adjusting the strength of the drink to your liking.

Contraindications for use

Unique healing properties of hawthorn do not exclude and contraindications to its use. Absolutely not suitable drugs from this plant to hypotension and people with increased blood coagulability. Also, the intake of hawthorn is undesirable during pregnancy and lactation.