Installation Orange tree

In addition to ancient biblical artifacts, archaeological and architectural monuments with centuries of history, Israel has modern attractions worthy of attention of tourists. One of them is a hanging orange tree in Jaffa. Despite the fact that this original installation is not even a quarter of a century, it is covered with interesting legends and real stories. Floating in the air just in the middle of the street tree - a great background for the original and unusual photos. So, if you are in Tel Aviv , be sure to visit this wonderful place.

Features and history of the Jaffa orange tree

In 1993, on an street in Tel Aviv, an unusual sculpture appeared in the area of ​​Jaffa, which combined monumental features and real living energy. The city's installation was called "Soaring orange tree", but created by its brilliant sculptor Ran Morin. A few years later he will continue his collection of ecological monuments, according to his project, a similar acacia in Jerusalem and an olive tree in Eilat will be installed. But the first was still an orange, and it was in Jaffa, which was not an accident.

The orange tree in Israel has always stood in a special row. His flowers weaved into wreaths of brides, as a symbol of innocence and purity, bright orange fruits have long been considered a sign of wealth and respect.

It was the oranges that played an important role in the formation of the young Israeli state in the 40s of the 20th century, as they became one of the priority export items. And there were oranges of the popular "Jaffa" variety. They were distinguished by a bumpy skin, rich color and juicy sweet flesh.

At that time Jaffa literally drowned in orange groves, international trade was actively developing and, probably, the whole world would still be happy with Israeli sunny fruits, if not for the events of the 70s. In the secret Arab-Jewish war, any means were used. One of the diversionary actions of the Arabs was the deliberate poisoning of the orange harvest in Jaffa by mercury. Unfortunately, it is known about this too late, when in Europe the children became massively ill. This dealt a huge blow to the agrarian economy of Israel and the Jaffa oranges almost instantly disappeared first from all counters, and after and from the plantations.

Whatever it was, but the orange trace was clearly imprinted in the history of the ancient city of Jaffa, so it's no wonder why Ran Maureen opted for this particular tree, creating his original installation.

The sculpture itself is a large clay egg suspended on strong ropes to the walls of neighboring buildings. In it is placed an oval ceramic pot filled with soil, from which the tree itself grows. It is worth noting that the fruits can be called more decorative, they have nothing in common with the taste of aromatic juicy citrus varieties "Jaffa". It was conceived intentionally that people who take photos near an orange tree should not be tempted to try delicious fruit.

Once in several years, the sculpture undergoes a significant change - the tree in the pot changes to a new one, because the overgrown roots do not fit into a relatively small tub, get out and spoil the aesthetic appearance of the installation.

Legends Associated with Orange Tree

Excursion groups can stand under the "soaring tree" for half an hour, listening to the fascinating history of the guide.

Some believe that the creation of this sculpture by Rana Morin was inspired by the ingenuity of local farmers, which they showed in the days when the Jaffa lands were part of the Ottoman Empire. Then the Turks introduced a tax on fruit trees growing in private gardens and yards. One of the inhabitants of the city, guided not only by greed, or by cunning, transplanted his orange tree from the soil into a tub, thereby rid himself of guilt. When other townspeople followed his example, the authorities introduced an amendment to the law, which obliged from now on to pay for plants in pots, standing on the urban land. But the smart guy did not lose his head and again tricked everyone by hanging his tub up on the rope.

Another story related to the hanging orange tree in Jaffa tells about the visit to Israel of the legendary British Prime Minister - Churchill. Expecting such a high-ranking guest, the Mayor of Tel Aviv was very worried that the city did not have time to plant well. Then he ordered to collect the most beautiful trees from all areas and land them in the places where he plans to stay during his arrival Churchill. All would go well if the Prime Minister of England did not want after a hearty dinner to smoke his favorite cigar near the restaurant. Relaxed, he leaned his elbows on the nearest tree, and it fell immediately. Then Churchill said a very phrase, which later became a deep aphorism: "Without roots, you will not get anything, Mr. Mayor." As well as that unfortunate fallen tree, forcibly buried in foreign land, the Israeli people for a long time wandered, persecuted by all around the world, until finally found roots in their native land. They say that the witness of the conversation between the Mayor of Tel Aviv and Churchill was none other than the grandfather of Ran Morin. His story and formed the basis for the idea of ​​creating a sculpture of a tree torn from the ground.

Russian tourists are also told a story about the "Orange Deal", which turned the party's leadership in the 60s of the last century. At that time, secret sale of more than 70 objects in Israel, which the Russians used to own, was carried out. In order not to attract excessive attention with huge money transfers, it was decided to take oranges as a unit of calculation. Soviet residents could not enjoy the exotic fruits, but given the difficult relationship of the USSR with Israel, the origin of the delicacy had to be hidden. Moroccan labels were affixed to Jaffa citrus, and people did not suspect that they were tasting oranges from Israel.

There are many more stories and legends related to the orange tree. Someone sees flying freedom in him, someone blossoming and fruiting tree in the air is associated with an incredible will to live, some find something mystical and even biblical in the installation. Whatever it was, this unusual sculpture will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to get there?

To go to the orange tree of Israel , you need to go outside Mazal Dagim in Tel Aviv and follow it to the arch. Through it you will get to the street Mazal Arye, where this installation is located.

If you are traveling around the city by public transport, the next bus stops are located 5 minutes walk from the monument (buses No. 10 and 37). Also nearby is the municipal car park.