Threatening abortion

Doctors believe that the threat of spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy is a natural selection, as a result of which a healthy one survives, and a sick and unviable fetus dies.

Symptoms of Threatening Abortion

When a threatening abortion occurs:

This stage of threatening abortion is considered to be reversible and with timely treatment begun the pregnancy proceeds without complications, like fetal development. Treatment of threatening abortion with such symptoms consists in stabilizing the psychological situation, creating a positive environment for the pregnant woman, bed rest, gynecological examination is not carried out because of the threat of increased contractions and the excitation of the uterus.

Started abortion

Threatening abortion with the appearance of discharge with blood, with strong cramping attacks of pain, with a slightly open external pharynx is considered dangerous for the fetus, and the forecast of a further favorable course of pregnancy is doubtful in this case.

A threatening abortion, the symptoms of which consist in the following manifestations, is considered to have begun:

Such signs at abortion in a course - the forecast in 99% adverse. If vaginal examinations show that the cervix is ​​open, the size of the uterus corresponds to the duration of the pregnancy, while palpation reveals a fetal egg and blood clots. Abortion in the course can become an incomplete abortion, in which part of the fetus and blood clots linger in the uterus and provoke severe bleeding, which is dangerous for a woman's life.

At each stage of abortion, treatment is carried out, primarily aimed at preserving the fetus and the health and life of the pregnant woman. Depending on the clinical type of spontaneous abortion: threatening, started and abortion while on the move; incomplete or complete; infected; the method of treatment and selection of medicines is chosen.