Laryngotracheitis in children - symptoms and treatment at all stages of the disease

Passage of air to the lungs and normal breathing is ensured by the larynx and upper parts of the trachea. Inflammatory processes in these organs lead to stenosis (narrowing) of the pharynx, which causes laryngotracheitis. It is easy to cope with this disease if you recognize its symptoms in time and correctly organize treatment.

What is laryngotracheitis?

This pathology is an inflammation of infectious nature, affecting the initial parts of the trachea and larynx. In acute disease, the disease additionally includes stenosis of the respiratory tract and lesion of the vocal cords. Laryngotracheitis in children can have a chronic form. In such cases, the narrowing of the lumen of the pharynx occurs only against the background of exacerbations of the inflammatory process.

Laryngotracheitis - causes of children

The mechanism of development of the described ailment assumes an initial edema of the mucous membranes. Because of it in the trachea area is difficult to separate mucus, which irritates nearby cough receptors and increases inflammation. Gradually, it extends to the vocal cords, provoking their damage and swelling, fluid retention or sputum in the pharynx.

For proper treatment it is important to find out why laryngotracheitis has started - the causes for children depend on the form of the disease and the nature of its course. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account factors predisposing to the debut of pathology:

Acute laryngotracheitis

The main cause of the presented disease is considered to be a previous acute respiratory infection. Acute laryngotracheitis in children begins against the background of the following factors:

Chronic laryngotracheitis

Sluggish type of disease always occurs after acute form. It is important to identify laryngotracheitis in children in a timely manner - the symptoms and treatment strongly depend on the stage of pathology. If the therapy was chosen incorrectly or completely absent, the inflammatory process will constantly recur. Chronic laryngotracheitis in children is called a periodically exacerbating disease.

The impetus to the resumption of inflammation of the larynx and upper parts of the trachea are:

Laryngotracheitis in children - symptoms

The clinical picture of the pathology in question has specific signs, according to which it is easy to diagnose. Laryngotracheitis - symptoms:

The basic signs are supplemented by the accompanying problems:

Cough with laryngotracheitis

Because of the acute inflammatory process, there is an edema of the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea. This provokes a loud and sonorous cough. Stenosing laryngotracheitis in children is often accompanied by a narrowing of the pharyngeal lumen. Sometimes this leads to dangerous violations of the respiratory process and suffocation, especially in a young child. It is necessary immediately to proceed to therapy if laryngotracheitis is suspected in children - symptoms and treatment are easier when the disease is at an early stage of development. At the initial stages it is easier to avoid complications and to prevent the transition of inflammation into a chronic form.

Temperature with laryngotracheitis

The heat is peculiar to an acute process caused by a viral or bacterial lesion. If the allergic reaction or other non-infectious factors provoked laryngotracheitis, the symptoms may differ. In such cases, body temperature remains normal or increases slightly, to subfebrile indicators (about 37.5 degrees).

Stenosis of the larynx with laryngotracheitis

Problems with breathing are more often observed in children under the age of 3 years. Narrowing of the laryngeal lumen and false groats are complications that cause stenosing laryngotracheitis . These are dangerous consequences of pathology, because they can lead to severe choking and oxygen starvation of the brain tissue. Doctors recommend immediately contacting the clinic if laryngotracheitis in children begins - symptoms and treatment are much easier with early detection of the disease. Timely and correct therapy takes no more than 2 weeks to complete recovery.

Laryngotracheitis in children - treatment

Methods to combat the described disease depend on its causes and severity. Acute and chronic laryngotracheitis treatment involves the following:

Emergency care for stenosing laryngotracheitis in children

If the inflammatory process leads to narrowing of the laryngeal lumen, and the symptoms indicate that the child suffocates, the doctor should be called immediately. The most dangerous complication that provokes laryngotracheitis is stenosis. It is fraught with suffocation and oxygen starvation of the brain.

While specialists on the road, it is necessary to take emergency measures:

  1. Put the child in bed, not letting him lie down, so that less mucus would accumulate in the larynx
  2. Press your finger or spoon on the root of the tongue, cause a vomitive reflex.
  3. Moisten the air in the room. If there is no special device, you can place in a room a container of water, hang cool wet towels, take the baby to the bathroom and turn on the cold tap at full capacity.
  4. Reduce the temperature of the air in the house using an air conditioner or just open the windows and balconies.
  5. Execute moisturizing inhalation with a nebulizer. The procedure with saline or special medicines will help alleviate the symptoms.

Laryngotracheitis - drugs

The choice of pharmacological drugs should be handled by the pediatrician after confirmation of the diagnosis. Antibiotic with laryngotracheitis is prescribed only for the bacterial origin of the inflammatory process. In other cases, its use is meaningless and even harmful, since antimicrobial drugs reduce the activity of the immune system. If bacterial pathogens of infection are detected, the following variants of antibiotics are used:

Antimicrobials are not needed when viral laryngotracheitis progresses in children - the symptoms and treatment of the disease involve general measures to strengthen immunity and therapy that alleviates the symptoms of the disease. If the pathology was diagnosed at the very beginning of the inflammation (the first 72 hours), you can give the child special medications:

At subfebrile temperature (up to 38-38,5 maximum), it is not recommended to take antipyretic drugs. It is advisable to use them when the baby has a fever. The following pharmacological agents are suitable:

Symptoms such as hoarseness and cough, are stopped by appropriate medications:

Inhalation with laryngotracheitis

In the acute period, this manipulation helps to quickly stop the attack of choking and restore normal breathing. Inhalation is considered mandatory when developing stenosing laryngotracheitis in children - symptoms and home treatment suggest the use of a nebulizer. If the physiological solution is not effective enough, it is recommended to use Lazolvan or a similar preparation that stops the painful cough. Another option, how to treat laryngotracheitis with stenosis - Pulmicort.

After eliminating the attack and normalizing breathing, regular inhalations should be continued, so that the mucous membranes of the larynx are constantly moistened. For home manipulations, you can purchase a ready-made physiological solution or alkaline mineral water without gas. With increasing cough, you can refill the nebulizer with special medicines:

Laryngotracheitis - folk remedies

In home therapy, natural recipes are allowed, but only as auxiliary effects. The pediatrician should recommend how to treat laringotraheitis in a child, after confirming the diagnosis and in the absence of allergic reactions in the baby to the components of the selected funds. If folk therapy is ineffective or leads to an increase in the symptoms of the disease, it is better to abandon it.

Laryngotracheitis in children - treatment at home with herbs

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Grind and mix medicinal plants.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon collection of cold boiled water.
  3. After 2 hours of insisting, boil the medicine.
  4. Cool the solution, drain.
  5. Drink the child's remedy during the day in small portions.

Anti-inflammatory broth

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Rinse the bran.
  2. Pour them with boiling water and mix.
  3. Infuse the drug for 1.5 hours.
  4. Strain the broth.
  5. Add lemon juice to the resulting liquid.
  6. Give the child 1 teaspoon of the drug 4-7 times a day.

Tea from a dry cough

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Grind the vegetable raw materials and pour it into the thermos.
  2. Pour St. John's wort with boiling water.
  3. Insist the grass for 2-3 hours.
  4. Strain the medicine.
  5. Add sweetener to tea.
  6. Give the child 1 dessert. spoon of the remedy for half an hour before meals.
  7. Repeat 1-2 times a day.

Complications of laryngotracheitis

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea can cause a severe condition in the form of constriction of the airway tube. Acute stenosing laryngotracheitis is fraught with suffocation, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

This complication requires immediate treatment, because a child can die from lack of oxygen. In the presence of any of the listed characteristics, it is important to immediately call an ambulance team and follow the basic recommendations of specialists:

  1. Provoke a gag reflex in a child.
  2. Maximum cool and moisten the air in the room.
  3. Make inhalation Pulmicort.