Miramistin Spray

Miramistin is a unique antiseptic with a pronounced antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Miramistin Spray has found wide application in various fields of medicine, thanks to the ability to destroy virtually all types of bacteria and its safety, even for children.

Composition of Miramistin Spray

The drug is available in various forms: in the form of ointment, solution (0.01%) and a spray, produced in a 150 ml package, equipped with a nebulizer. This form allows you to irrigate the foci of inflammation with a small amount of funds.

The main components of the drug are:

How to use Miramistin Spray?

The main advantages of the spray are:

Useful properties of the drug make it possible to use it for such purposes:

  1. In traumatology or surgery, the remedy is used to treat burns, tampon of fistulous wounds. The procedures are carried out three times a day for five days.
  2. To prevent infections after childbirth Miramistin is used to irrigate the vagina. During the cesarean section, the cut and the uterine cavity are treated.
  3. Treatment of urethritis is carried out by injecting the composition into the urethra up to two times a day. The duration of the course is ten days.
  4. As the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases after sex, women need to treat the drug with the vagina, and men with the urethra.
  5. Effective drug in the treatment of colds and acute respiratory infections. It not only reduces the manifestation of symptoms, but also eliminates them. Miramistin spray helps with a runny nose, while not drying out the mucous membrane. Treatment is carried out for a week through a four-shot.
  6. It is also widely used in the treatment of sinusitis. When carrying out a puncture, the sinus is washed with a solution. To control tonsillitis , laryngitis and pharyngitis, gargling and irrigation are used. At a time, use no more than 15ml of the drug.

Miramistin spray with angina

It perfectly copes with diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature. Especially it is recommended for use in angina. The drug is used as an ointment or rinse solutions. However, no less effective is Miramistin sprays for the throat. Its use allows you to remove redness, get rid of purulent deposits and remove inflammation. The composition is sprayed with four strokes. Due to the fact that the drug has a wide spectrum of action, it helps to cope with the disease, the etiology and causative agent of which is not revealed.

Contraindications to the use of Miramistin Spray

The peculiarity of the drug is not absorbed by the skin and mucous membranes allows resorting to its use even for the treatment of infants. Miramistin has no contraindications, except in cases when the patient has intolerance of any component.

Occasionally there are side effects, manifested in a short (about 10-20 sec) burning. However, there is no need to cancel the medicine.

Spray analogs Miramistin

At this time, the drug, the available analogous Miramistin properties, was not created. However, in the treatment of certain diseases it is possible to use Chlorhexidine , whose antimicrobial effect is somewhat higher. But it should be taken into account that it does not have an antiviral effect, therefore in some cases it will be ineffective.