Increased intracranial pressure

Intracranial pressure is an indicator that reflects the strength of the action of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) on the brain tissue. Normally it is in the range from 100 to 151 mm. Increased intracranial pressure is a pathological condition that occurs when the outflow of blood or cerebrospinal fluid is disturbed and it accumulates in the cavity of the cranium.

Causes of increased intracranial pressure

The main reasons for increasing intracranial pressure are:

To provoke the emergence of such a pathology, strong migraines, excess weight and excess of vitamin A.

Signs of increased intracranial pressure

Whatever causes caused the appearance of increased intracranial pressure, the symptoms of this condition are always the same. The signs of this pathology include:

How to measure intracranial pressure?

To determine whether your intracranial pressure is high, you can use such methods as:

In some cases, to find out what a person has intracranial pressure, he is injected with a catheter into the ventricles of the brain or the lumen of the spinal canal and connect a manometer. This device works by analogy with a conventional mercury thermometer.

Treatment of increased intracranial pressure?

Regular strong pressure on the brain quickly violates his activities. Because of this, intellectual abilities can significantly decrease, as well as the regulation of the work of various internal organs is disturbed. That is why all patients are prescribed pharmacological symptomatic therapy. With increased intracranial pressure should take drugs that reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid - Mannitol or Glycerol. Some patients are shown the administration of the loop diuretic Furosemide and the hormone drug Dexamethasone. If you want to speed up the process of removing CSF or improve its absorption, you need to drink diuretic tablets Lazex or Diakarb.

Medicamental treatment of increased intracranial pressure should be started only after establishing the cause that led to the development of the disease. In most cases, eliminating it, you can forget about this pathology. Sometimes stabilize the overall The patient's condition can only be achieved by means of ventricular puncture or decompression craniotomy. These are procedures that will reduce the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull.

But what to do when increased intracranial pressure appeared after the onset of a tumor, a hematoma or another formation? In this case, urgent surgery should be performed. Only after the removal of volumetric education can get rid of this pathology. With excessive production of cerebrospinal fluid, shunt operations are performed. They help to create an additional way for the outflow of liquor.