Staphylococcus aureus on the skin

Staphylococci are quite dangerous microorganisms that inhabit the environment and provoke various diseases in humans. About a third of the population carries this causative agent and does not know about it. However, if there are favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria, staphylococcus is activated on the skin, manifested as furunculosis, pyoderma, phlegmon and other pathologies. Therefore, great importance in the treatment of diseases is strengthening immunity and preventing the reproduction of microorganisms.

Features of Staphylococcus aureus on the skin

Penetration into the body of the pathogen occurs through the respiratory system, mucous and through the smallest wounds on the skin. Activation of staphylococci occurs with a sharp deterioration of protective functions in such individuals:

Treatment of staphylococcus aureus

Considering the question, what to treat staphylococcus on the skin, it is necessary to take into account its resistance to many antibiotics, and the fact that it retains its activity under the influence of sunlight and frost. Combating the disease implies the simultaneous oppression of bacteria, strengthening immunity and preventing its weakening.

It should be noted that successful therapy can be only with a comprehensive approach and a one-time application of funds for external and internal use:

  1. The patient is prescribed antibacterial substances based on oxacillin, ampicillin and gentamicin, which inhibit the activity of microorganisms and block their reproduction.
  2. In addition, the patient is prescribed ointments from staphylococcus on the skin that contain these antibiotics (Gentamycin ointment and Levomecol).
  3. To maintain the protective functions of the body, the patient is advised to take vitamin complexes.