Dimexide from acne

Dimexide is a good local anesthetic, which has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Its great advantage is that the agent can act on the cellular level. Strictly speaking, therefore, Dimexide is also used for acne in cosmetology. Among other things, the drug enhances the effect of any other drugs. That is, it can be considered a kind of guide that will make cosmetic masks more effective.

How to understand that you can use Dimexid against acne?

Before using the medicine, you need to test the sensitivity of the body to its composition. This is a very simple and fairly quick procedure that will help to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

All you need is to dilute the concentrated Dimexide from the pimples with water in a 1: 5 ratio, moisten the cotton swab in the liquid and apply it to the inside of the elbow joint. Keep the lotion for a quarter of an hour. If during this time there is no allergic reaction, the medicine can be used boldly.

How to grow Dimexide from acne?

It is desirable that the appropriate proportions of dilution are selected by a specialist. The concentration of the solution depends on the type of skin and its condition. So, for example, for the most sensitive epidermis, the drug should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. With a lower sensitivity - 1: 9, 1: 8 and so on.

Methods of application of Dimexide from acne

The easiest method of treating acne is the application. A piece of gauze or cotton wool, moistened in Dimexide solution, is applied to the sore spot, which is covered with an oilcloth or cellophane and a dense cloth for 15-20 minutes. After removing the epidermis it is desirable to treat with special drugs for acne. Repeat the procedure you need a couple of times a day.

Recipe for chatting with acne on the face with Dimexidum


Preparation and use

Tablets crush into powder, mix with Dimexide and leave to insist for a day. From time to time, the preparation should be shaken. When the chatterbox is infused, add water to it. Use for wipes and lotions.

Mask Recipe for Acne with Dimexide and Honey


Preparation and use

Mix the ingredients. In the resulting liquid, moisten the napkin and attach it to the sore spot. Skin cleansing will come in 10-15 procedures.