Misha Barton first appeared in public after hospitalization

Misha Barton, who found herself in a psychiatric clinic because of her frightening behavior last month, began to leave the house. The "Lonely Hearts" star went to dinner with a friend in Los Angeles.

Passion in the Backyard

On January 26, Misha Barton's neighbors woke her heartrending cry. When they ran out into the street, they found a half-naked actress, who crossed the fence and, screaming that her mother was a witch, muttered incoherently about the collapse of the world. Arriving police hospitalized a young woman in the clinic Cedars-Sinai. Misha was already her patient eight years ago, then because of problems with drugs she developed a mental disorder.

On January 26, Mischa Barton was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown

I'm not guilty!

Coming to life, Barton hurried to justify herself, saying that she did not use illegal drugs and blamed some unfortunate people who allegedly showered her with a sedative at the time of her birthday on the eve of what happened. In combination with alcohol the next day the drug produced an unforeseen effect. According to Misha, the unknown wanted to cloud her mind and take advantage of her body.

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Into the usual course

Whatever it was, but to the delight of the fans of the 31-year-old Barton, worried about her mental health, she recovered from the incident and behaves quite adequately. After sitting out at home after discharge from the hospital, the actress went out to dinner and went out to dinner with a friend.

Last Saturday the paparazzi captured Misha, who obviously feels much better, and her chevalier in West Hollywood. Relaxed celebrity came out of the restaurant Catch.

Barton, dressed in a leather jacket and velvet overalls, looked relaxed and pleased. Even the problem lace on her tibia, which was constantly untied, did not spoil her fine mood.

Misha Barton at the exit of the Catch restaurant in West Hollywood
Misha Barton with a friend