The hog queen for conception

A rather inconspicuous, low-growing plant with elongated leaves, green-white bells on one side of the stem-this is exactly what an ortilia one-sided looks like, called folk medicine in folk medicine.

Plant The queen has a wide range of actions on the body, as it contains many useful substances - tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids. It is a large number of biologically active substances that complicates the isolation of the role of any particular of them in its healing effects. These include actions such as:

Boron uterus for conception - instruction

About the use of the hog uterus should be considered if pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular sexual life without contraception. The use of the boron uterus, as an auxiliary therapy, contributes to the conception and bearing of the fetus, as it raises fertility in women . Before starting treatment, you need to take tests to determine your hormonal background. The bovine uterus reduces the level of estrogen in the female body, therefore, with a reduced level of estrogen, this herb can be used only in phase 2 of the cycle. Bovine uterus is used from the first day after the end of menstruation and drink until the beginning of the next, if the level of estrogens is within normal limits. The bovine uterus is not used during menstruation and during treatment with hormonal drugs.

The papilla is used in two forms - decoctions and tinctures. The tincture is based on medical alcohol, and the word broth - speaks for itself.

To prepare the broth you need:

The resulting mixture must be boiled on a steam bath for 5-10 minutes, insist 3-4 hours and drain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. When using pharmacy herbs, read the instructions for use on the package carefully. You can meet different options for brewing the hog uterus, tk. quality, source of raw materials, grinding of grass can be different, and accordingly, a different dosage for use.

For preparation of tincture it is necessary:

Tincture is prepared in a proportion of 1:10, it must be infused 3 weeks in a dark, cool place, before applying, you need to strain the tincture.

If the pregnancy has not occurred during the application of the hog uterus, do not abruptly stop taking the bovine uterus, and gradually reducing the dosage, reduce the intake to naught.

Bovine uterus tea is another form of application of this herb that deserves special mention. The main component of these herbal compositions is the harrow, as well as nettle, sage, elder, yarrow. Preventive two-three-week tea-drinking, which you can arrange yourself from time to time, will help to keep the level of hormones and improve immunity.

Boron uterus - tablets

The bovine uterus is also produced in tablets, which include, in addition to the grass of the hog uterus, microcrystalline cellulose, which provides the body with food fibers. It is recommended to use 2 tablets 3 times a day during meals, with plenty of water. Contraindications to use is the individual intolerance of the components of the product, pregnancy.

Boron uterus in capsules is another form of release, which, in addition to the boron, often includes flowers of chamomile.

Bovine uterus and hormones

Phytohormones, namely phytoestrogens, which are contained in the leaves of the hog uterus, are able to trigger mechanisms regulating the maturation of sex hormones and the process of conception, which allows the use of this herb in the treatment of infertility.

Bovine uterus and progesterone

Phytohormones contained in the leaves of the hog womb, contribute to the normalization of the level of hormones in the body with minor disturbances. The bovine uterus has progesterone action. To maintain the level of progesterone - the hormone "pregnancy" - we drink the bovine uterus in the second phase of the cycle.

Bovine uterus and ovulation

The hog queen normalizes the level of sex hormones in a woman, which stimulates ovulation, the absence or irregularity of which is a frequent cause of infertility .