Broccoli cabbage - recipes

Broccoli cabbage has a bright, rich green color and a rich vitamin composition. It can be prepared for a side dish, making a delicious salad or bake in the oven. We bring to your attention some interesting recipes of dishes from cabbage broccoli.

Recipe for broccoli and Brussels sprouts soup



The recipe for making broccoli cabbage soup is very simple. First, boil the rice and discard it in a colander. Tomatoes are rinsed, scalded with boiling water and peeled, and the pulp is crushed into cubes. Carrot shred straw on the largest grater, and pepper is processed and chopped thin straws. In a frying pan, we warm up the oil and spread the carrots. Fry it for 5 minutes, and then add the pepper and brown all together. Brussels, color and cabbage broccoli washed and cut into inflorescences. In a saucepan, boil water, lay out the vegetable roast, throw the tomatoes, prepared cabbage, rice and season with spices. Cover the pan with a lid and cook soup from cauliflower and broccoli according to the recipe for 15 minutes on a weak fire.

Recipe for cooking appetizers from broccoli and cauliflower



Broccoli and fresh cauliflower are divided into small inflorescences and put into a steamer. We pick up vegetables to taste and cook for 10 minutes, until soft. We chop the almonds with a knife and fry in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly. To prepare sauce basil is rinsed, shaken and finely shredded. Then mix the greens with mayonnaise. Spread the cabbage on a warm flat dish, pour it with green sauce, sprinkle almonds and decorate with thyme leaves.

The recipe for cooking stewed broccoli with mushrooms



Dry mushrooms are poured in advance with water and leave for several hours. Then drain the liquid and cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Onions and ginger are cleaned and thinly shredded. Broccoli washed, dried and divided into inflorescences. In the cast-iron frying pan pour oil, warm it, lay out all the vegetables, except mushrooms, and fry for 5 minutes. Then add cheese, crushed cubes, throw mushrooms, pour in soy sauce and mix. After 2 minutes, we introduce vegetable broth, cover the dishes with a lid and put on low heat for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in cold water, we grow starch and pour it into a frying pan, stirring. Crumble the almonds, brown it separately, and then add it to the ready-made dish. As a garnish, boiled rice is perfect.

Recipe for broccoli cabbage salad



Broccoli and fresh cauliflower are processed and divided into inflorescences. Pepper and tomatoes are finely chopped, and sausage and peeled eggs are diced. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, water with mayonnaise and season with your favorite spices.