How to clean an orange?

It is this citrus fruit that is the king of sweet desserts and raises the mood on winter holidays , they want to have a snack at lunchtime or take for an easy breakfast on the trip.

There are several simple ways to clean the orange, while saving time, surprise guests and enjoy the ease of the process.

How fast and easy is it to clean the orange?

To cope with cleaning the orange in a couple of minutes, you should buy a juicy and ripe fruit. Before quickly cleaning the orange from the peel, you need to roll the citrus on a flat surface of the table, pressing it lightly with the palm of your hand. This method allows the skin to soften and facilitate cleaning. With a sharp knife, make a shallow horizontal incision, passing along a circle of all the citrus and dividing it in half.

Place a tablespoon in the notch and gently push it under the skin, gradually separating from the pulp.

Separating one side, take another. After this procedure, you should get a peeled orange and two "cups" from the peel.

How beautiful is it to peel an orange?

To each piece of orange pulp pleased the eye, the so-called filing is used, that is, release not only from the skin, but also from the films.

Cut a piece of the orange around the stem and from the opposite side.

Down from the stem, cut the peel, grabbing a little juicy pulp. Purify the orange in a circle in this way.

Peel the orange with a base and cut it along the segment, separating the film to the left, and then to the right.

Cutting the lobules in this way, we get the fillet of orange, keeping the juice.

How to clean an orange without a knife?

The most common way to clean an orange is hand cleaning. With the right approach, this method will help to effectively cope with the task.

Apply a small effort, pinch a piece of peel near the fruit stalk of orange.

Then pushing the thumb of the hand under the skin, rotate the orange with the other hand, separating the skin from the pulp while the length of the finger is enough.

Then remove the separated skin and continue to clean the orange, applying this technology, until you clear all the fruit from the peel.