Garlic tincture on alcohol - good and bad

Garlic is a seasoning that has been used for more than one hundred years and has found its application in the treatment of a variety of diseases. UNESCO staff in the study of Tibet in 1971 found a clay tablet with a recipe for cooking garlic tincture on alcohol, the benefit and harm of which has yet to be assessed.

The use of garlic tincture prepared on alcohol

Such a drug has the following effect on the body:

How to prepare Tibetan garlic tincture for strong alcohol?

To obtain it, you need 250 g of purified cloves of garlic and 300 ml of alcohol. Slices should be crushed, preferably in a mortar, put in a suitable container and pour alcoholic beverage. Tightly clog and remove for 10 days in a dark place. After this time, pass through the filter and leave to infuse for 3 more days. After you can drink garlic tincture on alcohol, but how, now it will be clear. For this purpose, a special scheme is used, which is designed for 10 or 13 days. It is advisable to take the medicinal drug at the same time three times a day, starting with a single drop and with each dose increasing the dose by one more drop.

Having reached 15 drops, and in some cases up to 25, it is necessary to start reducing the dose in reverse order. Then the infusion is recommended to take 25 drops three times during the waking period. Thus it is necessary to tell, that it drink not in the pure state, and adding in milk. The course of treatment ends with tincture, and the next one can be repeated no earlier than in 6 years. It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, small children. Alcoholics and all those who are not recommended to drink alcohol-containing beverages, it is better to refuse such treatment. The same applies to people with liver and kidney disease. Often, in this tincture add hot pepper, apple cider vinegar , lemon juice, which several times increase its medicinal properties.