
Let's say that you got a job, the first weeks worked perfectly. And, it seems, you are satisfied with the new position, and it seems that the staff is friendly to you, too.

Or, for example, your daughter moved to a new school. She studies well, has never had conflicts in the classroom and there are many reasons not to worry about her safety at the new school.

But after a while at work colleagues begin to behave strangely in relation to you: as if by accident, they forget to tell you about an important meeting, erase your email, and even launch, completely "not planned," unpleasant rumors about you.

Or your daughter does not want, for incomprehensible reasons, to accept her same peers. And the situation reminds almost the plot of the movie "Scarecrow".

The situations described are examples of mobbing.

Mobbing is psychological terror on the part of the collective or the authorities in order to force the "victim" to leave the place of work, school, etc.

The main types of mobbing are:

  1. Horizontal (pressure from the team, a kind of mobbing staff).
  2. Vertical or Bossing (the initiator of psychological persecution is your leader).
  3. Open and latent mobbing (in the latter case, the action takes place in a hidden form, when you are "put in the wheel" during work, hinting at this that you are an unwanted person in the team and you need to resign ").
  4. Cybermobing (the so-called Internet mobbing, which is carried out via e-mail, ICQ, Skype, social networks, and also by posting obscene video on popular video portals).

Causes of Mobbing

If we consider the reasons for the emergence of mobbing by the enemy, then they are:

  1. Envy.
  2. Desire to subdue.
  3. Desire to humiliate (for the sake of ordinary entertainment, self-gratification or approval).

The most common reason is envy. For example, it can be an envy for a more successful, young and intelligent colleague. It is noticed that in most cases of mobbing the instigators of moral persecution are the elderly, whose actions are led by the fear of losing their place of work, which they have owned for several years.

Sometimes mobbing at work is a kind of "dedication", testing a newcomer with an old team. Victim of a mobbing can become an experienced worker, to whom the leadership has positively and favorably begun.

  1. And the prerequisites for the emergence of mobbing by the victim can be:
  2. Excessive boasting, too self-confident behavior.
  3. Calling behavior.
  4. Manifestation of pity, weakness.
  5. Ignoring corporate traditions.

Mobbing in the workplace began to be investigated and discussed already in the 1980s. Unfortunately, mobbing, as a social phenomenon, reduces the effectiveness of the work of each organization.

Mobing development phases in the team

The most common phases of the development of mobbing in the organization are:

  1. Preconditions. In the initial stage of development of pressure in the team is the origin of the prerequisites of mobbing. This can be a high emotional tension in the workplace due to an unpleasant psychological climate.
  2. Start. The means of getting rid of emotional stress is to find the "culprit. With regard to this employee, aggressive actions are manifested in the form of discontent, ridicule.
  3. Active phase. "Sticks in the wheel" is no longer dependent on the actual actions of the chosen "victim". In any of her work activities there are only negative aspects.
  4. Social isolation. There is an isolation of the suppressed employee from participation in the life activities of corporate events and a joint work process.
  5. Loss of position. For the sake of preserving physical and mental health, an employee who has undergone mobbing finds another job. Otherwise, he is offered to leave at will.

The consequences of mobbing

Medical research shows that those who are exposed to emotional violence at work quickly become psychologically unstable. In connection with the fact that at first they try to prove their professional and social viability to their superiors and colleagues, but they get negative feedback. Not having received the desired positive result and squandering all enthusiasm for evidence, the "victims" of mobbing acquire uncertainty and helplessness. They are tormented by phobias, self-esteem is lowered, and the occurrence of stressful situations in their lives is increasing. These people fall into a vicious circle.

How to deal with mobbing?

  1. If you have become the object of moral persecution, try to find out and understand the reasons for this.
  2. If the enemy's goal is to deprive you of a job and do not compromise. The only way out is confrontation.
  3. In the event that the mobber is the boss himself, prove his usefulness to him and the team.
  4. If someone simply encroaches on your place, forcing you to leave, be on the alert, do not allow professional blunders.
  5. With the continued mobbing, the best option is to leave such an aggressively-minded team.