Where is vitamin E contained?

Vitamin E or tocopherol, is also called the vitamin of beauty and youth. It is recommended to take it for dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Today we will talk about the invaluable role of vitamin E and its content in food.


Vitamin E is, first of all, an antioxidant that performs around the clock a mass of functions and participates in the most important processes of our body. Tocopherol protects our cells from free radicals. How on the bill to consider this thesis in more detail? Our cells consist, among other things, of cell membranes. Their function is to let in useful substances and release the decay products. Free radicals constantly attack our cells, penetrating into them and disrupting their functioning. Alas, the cell membranes also miss them. To prevent this from happening (and free radicals attack cells more than 10,000 times a day), you should actively consume foods saturated with vitamin E. Vitamin E envelopes the cells and protects them on the way to the goal. For example, when red blood cells carry oxygen, they are attacked by radicals, as a result of which we suffer from oxygen starvation. With sufficient consumption of tocopherol it is enough to protect all cells.

Tocopherol is also useful for the cardiovascular system. It lowers blood pressure, protects and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents blood clots from forming, normalizes metabolism in the heart muscle. Vitamin E will prevent the appearance of scars, protect the eyes, and also prevents muscle weakness and fatigue. Also tocopherol is important for the reproductive system: with its lack, there is sexual anemia and even infertility.

Dosage and compatibility

Infants up to one year should calculate the dose of vitamin E, depending on the body weight - 0.5 mg / kg body weight. Adults dose is reduced - it is 0.3 mg / kg, and pregnant and lactating mothers should increase the dosage twice. Vitamin E and the products in which it is contained do not combine with iron, but it is favorably combined with selenium . Moreover, selenium and tocopherol enhance the useful properties of each other and promote better assimilation.

Vitamin E can not be poisoned, it does not accumulate and does not stay for long.

In food

Before proceeding to the most important - to where the vitamin E is contained, it should be mentioned that it is fat-soluble, not "afraid" of heat treatment, but when cooking, the part turns into a broth, but does not tolerate UV radiation, is destroyed from light, and is also lost when canned and half killed by freezing.

Most of the vitamin E group is found in plant foods.

1. Any unrefined oils or cold-pressed oils:

2. In sunflower seeds, pumpkin.

3. In almonds, walnuts.

4. In cereals, legumes, peanuts.

5. Brussels sprouts and broccoli .

6. In sea buckthorn and mountain ash.

7. In green vegetables and herbs.

8. In the bones of apples and pears.

9. In products of animal origin:

With a lack of vitamin E in the diet, there is weakness and sexual anemia, lack of desire. The skin dries and peels off, senile spots appear, fragility of the nails and the clearness of vision falls.

It is not necessary to dwell on the fact that the symptom of a shortage of both vitamin E and any other inalienable sources of our diet leads to irritability and apathy. So, if you do not all get along with the mood, look for someone to break, can not find a clear reason for their indignation, eat lightly salted herring, maybe it will pass.