Prolonged cough in the child

If after 2-3 weeks with proper treatment the cough in the child does not go away, it is called lingering. This problem is considered quite serious and requires additional examination. To establish the cause, which entailed the appearance of a protracted cough in a child, it is necessary:

Of course, this does not mean that the baby will have to go through all the above procedures. Sometimes, it is enough to consult an experienced pediatrician, who will either determine the cause, or tell you in what direction to move on.

Causes of protracted cough

As a rule, the natural protective reaction of the organism in the form of a cough appears due to:

  1. Infectious-inflammatory disease (general or local), resulting from the penetration into the body of any infection ( viral or bacterial). This is one of the most common reasons for the appearance of a strong protracted cough in a child.
  2. Allergic reaction. Often, cough is one of the symptoms of the allergy that has begun.
  3. High sensitivity of cough receptors. Such a cough occurs during rehabilitation, when sputum is allocated too much.
  4. Foreign body exposure to the respiratory tract.
  5. Negative influence of environmental factors. Dust, pet hair, cigarette smoke often cause the appearance of a dry, protracted cough in a child.
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux. The gastroenterologist can refute or confirm the diagnosis, as well as prescribe the treatment.
  7. Psychogenic factors. Stress, overwork, children's depression can be accompanied by a dry cough with a metallic tint.

Treatment of protracted cough in children

When it comes to prolonged coughing in children, treatment on the principle of "a neighbor's boy helped" can be dangerous. Here we need a rational, competent approach, based on the result of the survey. In addition, you need to consider the characteristics of a protracted cough: for example, a child's cough may be wet or dry, seizures can disturb only at night, in the morning or throughout the day, than before the baby was ill, the duration of the ailment. Only after the picture of what is happening is clear, the doctor has the right to assign crumbs to medications and necessary procedures.