Divination for Christmas on the subject under the pillow

Christmas trees are the most fun holidays in the year, noisy companies and many days off can not but rejoice, but these days are also a good opportunity to reveal the secret veil of the coming year. With the help of fortune-telling, one can glance at the future husband, even in a dream. Still great-grandmothers, thanks to such guessings knew in advance, and with whom life will be connected, and who they will be born. Such traditional divinations have been preserved and progressive today, because everyone wants to run a little ahead.

Divination for Christmas under a pillow on the promised

In order that the fortune telling was truthful it is necessary to write names of all applicants or random names from the evening, to put themselves in order, and not talking to anyone, put notes under your pillow, go to bed with a good mood and sincere desire to see the betrothed . After waking up, in the morning, without looking, shove your hand under the pillow and take out one of the notes. The name given on it will be the name of the future husband.

Another guessing for Christmas is to place a card with the image of four kings under the pillow and ask that the betrothed dream, go to bed. According to popular beliefs, the future husband will appear in a dream in the form of one of the kings.

The following method of fortune telling is considered very effective and truthful, it consists that the girl before a dream should weave from twigs of a house broom the imitated bridge and put it under a pillow. Going to bed, ask the sucheno to come and transfer you through the bridge, after that do not talk to anyone until the morning.

To believe or not in such fortune telling is everyone's personal business, but why not check, because the time of Christmas is a magic in itself, suddenly it will become magical for one of us.