Rune Nautiz

The literal meaning of runes nautiz (or naudis) is self-interest. And its main interpretation is the use and "retardation".

This rune symbolizes the need and the time when progress is impossible. You are waiting for limitations, a feeling of devastation from your own impotence. Runa advises to watch for yourself, so as not to turn into a source of malice, which depresses not only others, but also himself. Do not let loose negative emotions , they can have bad consequences in the future. You need to be patient and just wait out an unfavorable period. On this depends the number of losses, which, unfortunately, are now inevitable. But if you survive this time, retaining the strength of the spirit, then in the future you will have the power to protect from all mental negative assumptions of evil people.

Interpreting the main points of the rune nautiz, rely on its main theses: tragedy; loss and deprivation; compulsion; slavery and passivity. The rune nautiz falls out and as a definition of a person who is busy only with his financial well-being.

Looking at the situation, you must understand that now is not the time for self-realization and clarification of relations with people. Rune Nautiz calls you temporarily to obey circumstances, getting rid of feelings of dissatisfaction with yourself. You need to calm down to avoid depressions and material losses. Be careful, wait, look for other ways, and everything will come to their senses. Use this time not to fight windmills, but to work on yourself.

Rune Nautiz inverted

If, in divination, the rune nautiz falls in an inverted position, it is a sign that in order to overcome the negative, you have to change yourself and your inner state. All causes of failure can be found in yourself and your worldview.

The Magic of Runes Nautiz for Debt Repayment

Runic formulas can be used not only for guessing, but also for achieving specific goals. It is important to know which runes will help you to repay the debt. We suggest you use the following link:

If you add gebo, then the process of returning the material debt will be felt by both parties, as beneficial and will help maintain a good relationship.