Sexual deviations - the types and causes of the appearance of deviations and paraphilia

Sexual deviations have always been considered something shameful, condemned by the society and various religions. From harmless, bringing a lot of anxiety only to the very person suffering from a frightful, ugly and harmful harm to others. People with sexual deviations always attracted attention and caused resonance in society.

Psychology of sexual deviations

Sexual perversions or paraphilia seriously began to be studied in the XIX century. the founder of sexology by the Austrian psychiatrist-psychologist R. Kraft-Ebing, in his fundamental work "Sexual psychopathy" describes the known at that time and unusual sexual deviations. Another famous psychiatrist Z. Freud studying the psychology of sexual deviations , created a classification of the development of the person's libido, passing through these phases, at some stage the personality for various reasons gets stuck (fixation) and develop psychological sexual deviations.

Libidinal phases of development of erogenous zones according to Z. Freud:

Causes of sexual deviations

Why there is a formation of this or that perversion, in many ways remains a mystery, especially it concerns heavy perversions, for example necrophilia - craving for corpses. Whether sexual deviations are transmitted by inheritance, for a long time among geneticists there have been controversies, until polymorphic genes transmitted from the mother, which carry the propensity to homosexuality, were found. All other deviations are considered acquired.

Common reasons for sexual paraphilia:

Types of sexual deviations

There are different classifications of sexual disorders, constantly supplemented by new ones. In the ICD-10, the following types of perversions are described:

Severe sexual perversions include:

Unusual sexual deviations:

Sexual abnormalities in women

Sexual perversions among the female part of the population have their own characteristics. Violations of a sexual nature in women:

Sexual abnormalities in men

Men's impairments are more common than female sexual deviations. Sexual abnormalities characteristic of the stronger sex:

The effects of deviations and perversions

Sexual mental deviations cause complexities and complexities in a person's relationship with society. Many of the deviations, such as pedophilia, necrophilia, sadism (rape and harm) are criminally punishable or entail compulsory psychiatric treatment. More often, light perversions bring psychological harm to the person himself, making him disharmonious and unable to get normal pleasure from sex.

Is it possible to cure perversions?

Sexual perversions are amenable to correction in case the patient recognizes the deviation. Treatment is based on the individual characteristics of the individual. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy proved itself well. In severe cases, pharmacotherapy is prescribed with the use of hormonal and psychotropic drugs.

Movies about sexual deviations

The theme of sexual deviations has always been interesting:

  1. "Lolita" Adrian Line (1997) - perhaps the most famous film about sexual deviations
  2. "Fifty shades of gray" Johnson (2015).
  3. "The Secretary" Steven Sheinberg (2002).
  4. "Stonewall" (1995) - the main idea of ​​the film - "gays are also people."
  5. "The Bitter Moon" Roman Polanski (1992) - love is sadism or masochism?
  6. "Necromancy" by Jörg Butggerait (1987).
  7. "Mysterious Leather" by Gregg Araki (2004) is a film showing how childhood traumas completely change lives.