Oatmeal for breakfast - good and bad

Criteria for healthy eating include the use of cereal products. And among porridges porridge is traditionally in the lead in its useful qualities, which are manifested most if you have it for breakfast.

Why is oatmeal useful for breakfast and what is harmful?

The use of oatmeal for breakfast for nutritionists is undeniable. Firstly, this porridge is a source of slow carbohydrates, i.e. provides the body with energy to wake up and start active work.

Secondly, oatmeal contains a large number of plant fibers, which leads to the cleansing of the intestine. Regular use of oatmeal in the morning reduces the absorption of toxins into the blood, and, consequently - improves the condition of all organs and tissues, but especially - the skin.

Thirdly, oatmeal has a rich vitamin-mineral composition. And these useful substances are absorbed and absorbed as much as possible in the first half of the day. The beneficial effect of oatmeal porridge extends to bone tissue, thyroid gland, liver and kidneys.

Especially it is worth noting the usefulness of oatmeal for pregnant women, since. it contains folic acid and iron.

But in addition to good, oatmeal for breakfast can bring and harm. If there is porridge daily, over time, such a depletion of the diet will affect health negatively. Therefore, breakfast must be consumed by various cereals.

The harm of oatmeal will bring with celiac disease - gluten intolerance. This disease is difficult to recognize, it can be suspected with frequent intestinal disorders and nausea after eating gluten-containing dishes. Since this disease is hereditary, those who have relatives who are sick with celiac disease are at risk.

Oatmeal for breakfast for weight loss

To make oatmeal as tasty as possible, it is boiled on water, sugar, honey and butter, add fruits and dried fruits . But such a dish is acceptable only for the mobile child, who without problems will spend the received carbohydrates during the day.

Adults, especially overweight, oatmeal for breakfast for weight loss should be done steamed. Prepare such a dietary dish from the evening. Three quarters of a glass of oatmeal should be poured into a thermos with a wide neck, pour two cups of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, steamed porridge can be added a spoonful of honey and some fruits or dried fruits. Steaming oatmeal for breakfast for slimming can also be kefir or natural yogurt, warmed to room temperature.