Types of fertilizers

It's nice to look at the greening beds of carrots and onions, the blossoming rows of potatoes, the spreading whips of pumpkins and zucchini, the bushes of currants and gooseberries that flower with berries. But that our green handsome men looked cheerful and satisfied, they must be properly processed, including fertilizers. But what kind of fertilizers are and how to use them, we'll talk today.

What are the fertilizers: groups and rules of use

The shelves of modern garden and vegetable shops are full of colorful bags and bags so that the eyes scatter. And it is not surprising for a beginner summer resident to get confused in this variety of garden art of fertilizing and fertilizing. But this is only at first glance, in fact, there are only four kinds of garden fertilizers. Here they are:

1. Organic fertilizers. This group includes everything that nature itself produces in the process of its vital activity. The main types of organic fertilizers are: manure, bird litter (especially chicken), peat, humus, compost, sawdust.

The best organic fertilizer is last year's horse manure and mullein. It contains the optimum amount of nutrients necessary for plants. In addition, this feeding is not as aggressive as the same cognac, which has to be bred and used in small portions.

Peat is often added to compost and humus. This improves the composition of the fertilizer and enriches the soil with nutrients. Although the compost, consisting of rotten food waste, and herbal or leaf humus, are equally good individually. Everything depends on the composition and nature of the soil in which they are made.

But wood shavings and sawdust are not fertilizer per se. But they, loosening the soil, increase its aeration, which is very important in clayey heavy areas. In addition, wood chips absorb water well, which saves plants from over-watering in swampy and low places.

2. Mineral fertilizers. This group of garden dressings is divided into two subgroups - simple and complex or complex. The types of simple mineral fertilizers are those that contain only one component - nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, etc. The group of complex fertilizers includes those containing 2 or more components, for example, "azofosca" containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The best of all types of mineral fertilizers is considered to be wood ash.

3. Bacterial fertilizers. And this group of fertilizers is made up of mixtures of various beneficial bacteria. They are helping plants to process organic substances, saving them from excess nitrogen. An example of this class are nitragin, azotobacterin, phosphorobacterin, and others.

4. Microfertilizers. About this type of fertilizer is better to say that this is not a top dressing, but a healer. They contain elements necessary for plants such as manganese, iron, zinc, boron, copper, molybdenum, etc. and help to cope with fungal and bacterial diseases. The most obvious example of microfertilizers is "phytosporin".

These four groups of fertilizers make up the whole variety of garden arsenal. Now you also know them.