Moroshka - useful properties

The peas are called swamp honey, which was especially revered by the inhabitants of the North. This plant from the genus Rubus, belonging to the family Pink, reaches 30 cm in height. Morochka grows in the Northern Hemisphere, and especially likes to include in its composition cosmetic company Natura Siberica, which positions itself as a manufacturer of natural cosmetics based on Siberian herbs.

The peas are called marsh honey not by chance: it grows in swampy forests, and the berries are very sweet. Large amber fruits with a diameter of about 1.5 cm resemble raspberry in their form, and they are used fresh, wet or marinated. Often they make jam. The greatest benefit from cloudberries can be obtained by eating fresh berries.

The healing properties of cloudberry

Properties cloudberries are diverse:

Cloudberry berries are useful for pregnant women, because the fruits contain tocopherol, which is necessary for the safe carrying of the child.

Useful properties of the leaves and berries cloudberry are due to the interesting composition of the plant:

Useful properties of sepals are due to the content of micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, calcium and iron - the constant use of cloudberries will help to establish vision, strengthen bone tissue and improve blood composition.

The powder is used for treatment and prevention of various diseases:

Contraindications for the application of cloudberry

Morozka, in addition to useful properties, has contraindications: mainly they concern those who have acidity disorders - with gastritis, ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

With gastritis, you can use cloudberries only when relieving the exacerbation, but in no case it can not be taken on an empty stomach - this will cause irritation of the mucosa.