Labaznik - medicinal properties and contraindications

Labaznik, or grass of the twill is a plant familiar to each of us. Do you remember the high thickets of grass with white or delicate pink butterflies, exuding a strong honey aroma? This is the fucker. In our country several of its species grow and each of them can benefit health. Labaznik, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of this herb deserve attention, if only because the healing power of the plant is known for thousands of years. Perhaps you can use tagolga?

Therapeutic properties of grass

Due to the fact that this plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, the zone of its distribution is very extensive. At us the pharmacology practically does not use a medicinal herb, useful properties of which are rather wide, since there is a large number of herbs with a similar effect, which have traditionally been used in folk medicine and gradually passed into the official medicine. But in the countries of Scandinavia treatment with the help of a mocillabon has been practiced for many centuries - this herb has long been one of the main sources of vitamin C, A and E for the inhabitants of northern Europe.

In addition to vitamins, the root of the twig also contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds, phenol glycosides, chalcones and strong tannins. The above-ground part of the plant is no less useful - in the stems, leaves and flowers of the maller, a lot of essential oils and aromatic bonds, essential fatty acids, steroids and catechins. This allows the plant to be used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hemostatic agent. From time immemorial they were saved by burns and cuts, snake and animal bites. Tavolga is suitable for food - the roots contain starch, so they are good for making rich soups and broths. Young leaves and shoots can be eaten raw, adding to the salad.

Why can I use mabaznik?

The medicinal properties of the mendicant (Tovolgi) are widely used in folk medicine and official pharmacology of European countries. The field of application of grass depends primarily on its type. There are four medicinal varieties: ibex, ibuplex, Kamchatka and palaniform. Kamchatsky and six-petalled are most often used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver diseases. The palatine is good as an antibacterial and wound-healing agent. The most common form is the meadowsweed nursery - it is used for the following diseases:

But the main specialization of the herb is skin diseases and disorders of the nervous system. The properties of the mendicant allow to use it for stop bleeding and disinfect wounds, the plant actively fights toxins, because it is effective when bitten by snakes and rabid animals. Compress of infusion or decoction broth helps to remove puffiness and stop the inflammatory process.

Useful properties and contraindications

While the medicinal herb is a herb, the properties of which allow solving many health problems, there are not many contraindications to it. With caution, you need to use the gadfly for children under 12 years old, as well as pregnant women and allergies. Since the plant significantly lowers the level of blood pressure, it can not be taken by hypotonic patients. The astringent effect complicates the treatment of the people suffering from constipation with a medicinal mucus. Other contraindications this unique plant does not have.