Moss in flowers - how to get rid?

Almost every house has some plants. It is extremely difficult to imagine a house without at least one pot of flowers. Sometimes your beautiful plants are overcome by midges, or rather, not only plants, but also you, because these little insects are incredibly annoying with their presence.

Especially frequent visitors to room colors are white midges, the body of which is almost transparent, white. But there are also common gnats in your pots.

The causes of the appearance of midges in flowers

Let's look at why in the flowers buds are planted.

Most often the reason for the appearance of midges in a flowerpot is precisely excessive watering, moistening of the earth, as the midge is a marshy insect and needs a moist environment.

Remedies from midges in flowers

So, if you have mice in indoor flowers, then you need to fight it. There are many ways to deal with gnats, but they do not always help on the first try, so it's better to try a few of them to get rid of annoying insects.

  1. Sticky tape . I often use it from flies, but it will also help me from midges very well. But you also need to process the soil, otherwise the tape for a long time from this problem will not save.
  2. Less watering . Since most often the cause of the appearance of midges is the moisture, then you need to water the plants less.
  3. Change of soil . The land can be dried, loosened to get rid of larvae of Simuliidae, but in some cases it is easier to change.
  4. Manganese . If you are not ready for radical measures to change the soil, then you can try to withdraw Simuli from the ground. So, what to water the flowers from midges? Can help a very weak solution of potassium permanganate or soapy water, which you need to thoroughly water the plant.
  5. Wood ash . Moss disappear almost immediately, besides ash is a remarkable fertilizer.
  6. "Aromatherapy" . You can lay garlic cloves or orange peel on the ground in a pot, these smells are not particularly pleasing to midges.

If these funds did not help you cope with the problem of midges, then you can use chemical methods of struggle. Specialty stores provide a huge selection of such tools, most importantly - to clarify their safety and the possibility of using in the house, and then simply follow the instructions on the package.

Now you know what to process flowers from midges and how to get rid of them once and for all from midges in flowers.