Perennial Shade-Like Shrubs for the Garden

In theory, happy owners of garden plots can plant any plants in it. But still there are restrictions - for example, some flowers, bushes and trees grow better in sunny places, others - in the penumbra, and still others - only in shaded areas. In this article, we will consider shade-loving shrubs for dachas or gardens, which are classified as perennial.

Popular shade-loving garden shrubs

The greatest variety among the shade-loving plants is famous for perennial flowers and shrubs. Thanks to this we have the opportunity to plant them not alone, but to create whole multi-tiered flower beds. So, what kind of garden bushes can be named in this category:

  1. Deren of various varieties is widely used in landscape design, in large part due to its decorativeness. The leaves of this shrub can be red or dark-purple, whitish or gray. It is best to look under the canopy of trees with openwork foliage.
  2. Barbaris Tunberga refers to deciduous shrubs. It is often used as a hedge, because this variety of barberry is well-suited to a haircut. And thanks to the bright colors of the leaves and shoots in the autumn, Barberry Tunberga is so popular.
  3. They love the shadow and rhododendrons - the most beautiful among the flowering shrubs. Professional gardeners prefer to make out the edges of paths and lawns, and also use in group plantings.
  4. One of the most unpretentious perennial bushes growing in the shade is the chubushnik . It is often called garden jasmine. This plant is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, grows on any soil, tolerates pruning well. However, the chubushnik loves penumbra more - with excessive shading it will not bloom as much.
  5. Among the shade-loving evergreen shrubs, we can not call mahogany deciduous . It is recommended to plant it in the shade of a house or a tall tree. The mahogany blooms in April-May with beautiful yellow-golden flowers, and its leathery dark green leaves do not lose decorativeness all year round.
  6. Yellow forsytsia flowers will become a bright spot in any garden. This deciduous shrub is very decorative, it is used to create hedges - very beautiful and dense. And in combination with dark green coniferous plantations blossoming forsytic bushes will look the most profitable.
  7. Speaking of fruit shade-loving shrubs, let's call gooseberries, currants, common barberry, hazel and raspberries .