Planting garlic for the winter

In autumn, for many gardeners, the question of planting winter garlic for winter becomes urgent. To the plant well overwintered and subsequently gave a rich harvest, when planting it is necessary to follow certain rules.

The optimal timing of planting garlic for the winter

It is important to know when to plant garlic for the winter. Make it necessary for 20-40 days before the onset of cold weather.

It is best to plant garlic in the period September 20 - October 15.

If you plant the garlic very early (end of August - early September), then the sprouting of greenery will occur and the root system will be weakened. If the timing is too late (late October - early November), garlic will not have time to take root. The frost resistance of garlic will be substantially reduced, which will not allow it to endure the winter and will be disastrous for it.

Preparing the land for planting garlic for the winter

The bed should be on a dry, well sunlit place. It is necessary to exclude the location of the site in places with a close groundwater table, or where meltwater forms in the spring.

In addition, garlic is not planted in one place for two consecutive years. This significantly reduces the winter hardiness of the plant and its resistance to disease. It is best to plant garlic in places where legumes, cucumbers and cabbage grew last year. It is advisable not to land after potatoes and onions.

It is also better not to grow garlic in the soil, which was fertilized with manure before it. The heads of grown garlic can become loose and reduce its resistance to fungal diseases.

The soil is pre-digested, the weeds are removed. The land must be sufficiently fertile, therefore, fertilizers are introduced to plant garlic for the winter. As a fertilizer you can use superphosphate, potassium chloride, compost.

Ways of planting garlic for the winter

There are ways to plant garlic:

  1. With the Teeth . For planting choose large teeth that do not have stains or damage. Planting teeth can be dry, without pre-soaking. They are planted 3-5 cm from the surface of the earth. In the soil make grooves, watered with warm water. Furrows are at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. The teeth are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm. Another option is to plant the cloves of garlic with their pre-soaking. The teeth are left for 2-3 hours in a solution of humate or simply in warm water, then they are poured with moistened sawdust and placed for two days in a warm place, before prorating root rudiments. The landing of the teeth with the roots formed on them can be carried out at a later date, until the middle of October. After planting the soil is poured with warm water, mulched with sawdust or dry peat. Before the appearance of the first snow, the planted garlic can be covered with lapnik, film or roofing material.
  2. The air bulb . This method is intended for the reproduction of garlic for two years. The advantage is that the yield is very healthy, and the planting material is also significantly saved. Bulbs are planted at a depth of 2-3 cm in the grooves, the distance between which is 10 cm. From bulbochek the next year, single-edged, which serve as a planting material for the second year. You can leave the monotone in the ground for further growth or transplant to another place.

Correctly planting garlic for the winter, you can get a good harvest of this useful garden crop.