Herpes on the lip during pregnancy

Herpes, which appeared on the lip during pregnancy, causes the expectant mother to think about the possible consequences and the effect of the disease on the development of the fetus. Let's look at it in more detail and try to establish whether herpes is dangerous on the lips during pregnancy.

Because of what there are eruptions of herpetic character in pregnant women?

In fact, almost every person is a carrier of this type of virus. However, it manifests itself only under certain conditions, associated primarily with a decrease in the body's immune forces. This phenomenon is observed in women in the situation when the body reduces the activity of its protective barrier, so as not to reject the fruit. Otherwise, spontaneous abortion may occur, which quite often takes place at a very short time.

Than to treat herpes on lips at pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to say that the woman should tell about the appearance of such a symptomatology to the doctor who observes it. All appointments are made only by the doctor, whose advice and directions should be strictly followed by the pregnant woman.

When herpes appears on the lip during the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors try not to resort to the help of antiviral drugs. As a means of fighting this disease on a short period of time more often used:

If we talk about herpes on the lip in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, then as a rule, ointments are prescribed ( Zovirax, Acyclovir). These drugs quickly cope with the symptoms.

It is also worth noting that during the treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy, doctors recommend adhering to certain rules, namely:

What are the effects of herpes on the lips during pregnancy?

As a rule, this violation goes without a trace for the baby's future, and does not affect his fetal development in any way. Moreover, the child immediately, while still in the mother's womb, gets along with the blood ready antibodies to the virus, which are produced in the body of a pregnant woman. Thus, for about six months from birth, he will have immunity to the virus.

As for the possible negative effects of herpes on the lips during pregnancy, it's difficult to talk about them, because no similar facts were recorded.