When is it better to transplant roses - in spring or in autumn?

The reasons for the transplantation of roses can be several: changing the design of the site, planting the overgrown rosary, transferring the variety you like from the neighbor to yourself.

Whatever the circumstances, when transplanting rose bushes you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  1. It is important to choose the right place for a rose: it does not like shade, stagnation of moisture, proximity to certain plant species.
  2. It is necessary to properly prepare the bush for a transplant and prepare a pit in advance.
  3. When digging out a bush, you need to remember that the root system of the rose has about the same diameter as the crown, so you should try not to damage the roots during digging and transportation.
  4. It is necessary to know when it is better to transplant roses in the garden.

The last point will be discussed in more detail. From adherence to temporary transplant regulations, the survival rate and the further normal development of the plant largely depends.

What time of year is it better to transplant adult roses?

By the rules, the best time for transplanting roses is autumn or early spring. And there are advantages both in the autumn and in the spring transplant. You can choose for yourself when it is better to transplant roses - in the spring or in the autumn, depending on the possibilities and conditions.

When is it better to transplant roses in the spring?

If you decide to do this work in the spring, it can be like a time when the danger of frosts has passed and there is no need for shelter, and an earlier period. If the roses are transplanted not in the early spring, but after the end of the frost, this can lead to the fact that the bushes will be under the bright sun and will suffer from over-dried soil.

To prevent this, they need to be watered in time. But they under such conditions quickly go to growth, easily take root and develop well. And that the sun does not immediately burn the rose, you must first cover it with lapnika. This way of planting is especially relevant in cold regions.

When is it better to transplant roses in the fall?

Experienced growers prefer an autumnal transplant of roses. The main advantage of this method is that the rose will have time to take root and harden, in the end, they will be less prone to disease .

The best period of autumn for transplanting rose bushes is September 15 - October 20. At this time, the air temperature is still quite high, so that the bushes manage to settle down before the frost. When the time comes the cold weather, and the temperature drops sharply at night, the plants need to be covered.