Motherwort in Pregnancy

Preparations of motherwort during pregnancy are prescribed as often as tablets or tincture of valerian . These are natural remedies that are the most popular in modern medicine for pregnant women. Also, during pregnancy, you can consume a motherwort in tablets - this method is effective and absolutely harmless. Doctors do not hesitate to prescribe a drug based on this herb, because motherwort for pregnant women can not harm the future mother and her baby. How to take a motherwort at the time of pregnancy can be advised by your doctor or such information can be found by reading the instructions.

Can motherwort be used during pregnancy?

If you ask whether it is possible to take the motherwort extract during pregnancy, the answer will be positive. But such a preparation can be manufactured in three forms: filter bags, tablets and alcohol tincture. So you need to decide which of these three types of medication is the most effective and safe. If during pregnancy there is a need to take a motherwort, it is worth knowing that this herb in filter packs is prepared like tea, which you need to brew and drink. It is very convenient to take pills on motherwort. But the motherwort tincture , although it is the most effective way, but future mothers are not recommended to take it, because it includes 70 percent alcohol.

When the herb of the motherwort is used during pregnancy

In pregnancy, motherwort can be drunk in several cases:

  1. Tonus of the uterus . In pregnant women, contractions of the uterus - this is the norm, but with their frequent occurrence, there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. In order to avoid a miscarriage, patients are advised to take mild sedatives. Therefore, to calm down a woman during pregnancy helps to know how to properly drink a motherwort.
  2. Periodic increase in blood pressure . The correct dosage of the medicine motherwort will help during pregnancy to normalize the pressure. To balance pressure, a woman should take the drug for a certain time, but do not abuse it. Unfortunately, with hypertension or gestosis, the intake of the motherwort itself will not give a result, because it is a weak drug in such diseases. But with the usual nervous excitement - this is the most "it".
  3. Insomnia . Bad sleep is a fairly common problem for almost all expectant mothers. But sleeping pills are contraindicated, and airing the room helps in rare cases. Therefore, a mild sedative from the motherwort helps with regular admission. In addition, the motherwort's manual has a detailed description of the symptoms during pregnancy, which can be eliminated by taking this medication.
  4. Difficulty breathing and tachycardia . Difficulties in breathing can accompany future mothers from the end of the second trimester. Especially it becomes apparent with any physical exertion. Heart palpitation is increasing. In this case, you need to somehow alleviate the condition of the woman, in which the motherwort helps.

Dosage of motherwort during pregnancy

Many doctors believe that drugs on the motherwort are much safer than valerian. But still, do not abuse this medicine. It can be drunk before meals or in between meals in the form of tea, which is sold at the pharmacy. Also, instead of taking tablets, you can add dried leaves of grass to the food. The advantage of this plant is that the woman can regulate the dosage of the intake, guided by her own well-being.