Retrochorial hematoma in pregnancy

Retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy is formed at the time of rejection of the fetal egg from the chorion. Chorion is the early placenta, which is a shell that envelops the fetus at an early stage. With rejection, a cavity can form, which is filled with coagulated blood. This cavity is called a retrochoric hematoma.

Often, the discharge with a retrochoric hematoma have a brownish hue, this condition is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. However, the presence of excretions indicates a positive dynamics, that is, the hematoma in the uterus begins to resolve.

Caution should be abundant spotting, which indicates a severe form of hematoma. If bleeding is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and significant pain, this indicates a progressive increase in retrochoric hematoma. Continued detachment of the fetal egg can lead to the termination of pregnancy. This condition requires constant monitoring in a hospital, where the doctor must conduct ultrasound and regularly check the level of fibrinogen in the blood.

Retrochorrial hematoma - causes

This phenomenon has several causes, but it is practically impossible to prevent its occurrence. Sometimes, retrochorional hematoma during pregnancy is formed as a result of extreme physical exertion or negative influence of the environment - a high level of noise, vibration and so on.

The causes of retrochorial hematoma in pregnancy are sometimes certain diseases - inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, chronic endometritis, some autoimmune diseases, pathology of coagulation.

Sometimes the cause is the anatomical features of the structure of the genital organs - anomalies of the development of the uterus or genital infantilism. In some cases, it is impossible to establish the exact cause of retrochorial hematoma.

Treatment of trochorial haematomas in pregnancy

The main task in the treatment of retrochorial hematoma is to prevent an increase in its size. For this, the patient is prescribed drugs that improve blood coagulability (most often Dicinon or Vikasol), while being safe for the child. Sometimes Ascorutin is prescribed, which is very effective for stopping bleeding.

In addition, the woman is prescribed vitamin E, which contributes to the normal course of pregnancy in general, as it has a positive effect on the production of the necessary hormones. It is not superfluous to take folic acid.

If the retrochorional hematoma is accompanied by an increase in the tone of the uterus in pregnancy, spasmolytic drugs are used in the treatment, for example, no-spa, valerian, Magne-B6.

Importantly, during the treatment of retrochoric hematoma, adhere to bed rest and eat properly. Proper nutrition implies the exclusion from the diet of food, which promotes gas generation and stagnation in the intestines, because you must avoid the pressure of the intestine on the uterus. Recommended abundant drink - juices, kefir, compotes.

Sexual life at the time of treatment should be discontinued, as it can contribute to increased bleeding and lead to an increase in hematoma.

In general, the diagnosis of "retrochoric hematoma" is quite common and should not cause panic. This phenomenon is well treated by modern medicine and goes without any consequences, provided that all instructions and prescriptions of the attending physician are strictly observed.