How to quickly pump the pectoral muscles?

Many women seek in many ways to increase the volume of their breasts. The most accessible option is exercise. Before to find out whether it is possible for a girl to pump pectoral muscles, I would like to say that with the help of sports it is impossible to increase the size and change the shape of the breast. Physical exercise helps to strengthen the muscles, which makes it possible visually to make the breast more beautiful and taut.

How to quickly pump the pectoral muscles?

Exercises aimed at pumping this part of the body have other advantages. For example, they allow you to improve posture and relieve tension from the neck, and this, in turn, relieves headaches. In addition, during exercise, calories are consumed, which helps to lose weight.

To a woman to pump the pectoral muscles at home, you need to make up your own complex. You need to start with a warm-up, which prepares the body for the load. Aerobic exercise is ideal for this purpose, for example, running, cycling, jumping, etc. The duration of the workout is 15 minutes. After this, you can proceed to perform exercises that are best repeated in 2-3 approaches, doing 10-15 times. Start with small and gradually increase the load. Classes should be held regularly, it is best to choose a few exercises and include them in your regular workout.

As a girl to pump pectoral muscles at home:

  1. Push-ups . This is a basic exercise that allows you to pump pectoral muscles. Put your hands on the width of the shoulders, which will accentuate the load on the desired area. It is important to keep the body straight when doing the exercise. If you want to transfer the load to the upper part of the chest, then put your feet on the bench, and if on the bottom, then put the palm on the hill. If it's difficult to do the exercise, then focus on your knees.
  2. Chest press . If you are interested in how to effectively pump the pectoral muscles, you need to include this exercise in your complex. Sit on the bench on your back (at home you can lie on the floor), and in the hands take a dumbbell. The task is to stretch your arms up, and then, lower them to your chest, spreading your elbows to the sides until you reach a parallel with the floor. Return to the IP and repeat all over again.
  3. Wiring of dumbbells . This exercise allows you to pump large pectoral muscles. Again, sit on a bench or on the floor. Holding dumbbells in your hands, raise them above yourself, with your palms facing each other. The task is to stretch your arms to the sides, until you feel a stretching in the pectoral muscles. You can bend your arms slightly in the elbows. Returning to the PI, repeat everything from the very beginning.
  4. Pullover . Understanding how to quickly pump pectoral muscles to a girl, it's worth mentioning this exercise, which gives a good load on this area. To adopt a PI, it is necessary to sit on the bench as shown in the figure, and raise your hands with the dumbbell up. The task - breathing in, lower the dumbbell down, winding it on your head until you feel the stretching of the pectoral muscles. When exhaling, return to the FE.
  5. Isometric contractions . This is the simplest exercise that you can perform at any time, and anywhere. You can make it standing or sit on a chair. You need to connect your hands in front of you, as in prayer. The task is to tightly squeeze your hands until there is a tension in your chest. Hold at maximum voltage for as long as possible.

To finish it is recommended by an extension , that not to feel the next day a strong pain. For example, fasten your hands in the lock and wind them on your back. Do different exercises until the sensation of stretching.