Encopresis in children - advice of a psychologist

A problem from a number of delicate and serious - encopresis, or incontinence in children. Of course, faced with such an ailment, parents are primarily interested in the question of which doctor to go to, because everyone knows that the reasons for the appearance of encopresis in children can be both physiological and psychological.

Causes of encopresis in children

In rare cases, parents manage to find out the cause of calomization for the child on their own. In general, this task is possible only for qualified specialists. Confirm or refute the physiological nature of the disease can: gastroenterologist, neurologist, surgeon. But, as often precursors of encopresis are psychological and neurotic reactions, then without the help of a psychologist or a psychotherapist here is indispensable.

Very often the appearance of encopresis in children is caused by: intrafamily conflicts, divorce of parents, authoritarian type of upbringing, severe fright, state of chronic stress or neurosis, viewing, age-appropriate films and cartoons. Of course, it also happens that calming is provoked by other factors, such as:

In such situations, the treatment of encopresis must be complex, including medication, physiotherapy, and sometimes one has to resort to surgery.

Psychotherapy of encopresis in children

Answering the question of which doctor to go with such a disease as encopresis in children, it is worth noting that without the advice of a psychologist in any case can not do.

Regardless of the etiology of the disease, a child suffering from encopresis needs psychological help. The latter should be aimed at eliminating psycho-traumatic factors and providing support to the patient and his parents. Psychological therapy with encopresis in children helps to establish a trusting relationship between adults and the baby, and also to convince the child that his problem is quite solvable.

An invaluable help in the treatment of an ailment can be provided by the parents themselves. If possible, they should: