Mutated amniotic fluid

It happens that on the next ultrasound you are told that you have turbid amniotic fluid. This, of course, raises a whole barrage of questions about how dangerous it is for a baby, why it happens and whether it is possible to fix it.

Let's say at once that amniotic fluid can be transparent and colorless (this is their norm), green (which speaks of oxygen starvation of the fetus), pink (may be a sign of bleeding in you or the child), cloudy.

Why is amniotic fluid cloudy?

Water may grow duller towards the end of pregnancy, due to the ingress of hairs, epidermis, lubrication and fetal secretions into them. The placenta after 37-38 weeks begins to degrade (grow old) and no longer fully perform its functions to update the amniotic fluid.

In this case, turbidity of the water is not a cause for concern. The presence of a suspension (sediment) in the amniotic fluid does not say unambiguously about the presence of any pathology. This phenomenon can occur with a completely normal pregnancy.

However, there is a danger that the murky amniotic fluid during pregnancy is a consequence of the development of infection. To confirm or deny this fact, it is necessary to reinsure and go a second ultrasound, assessing the amount and composition of waters. You can go to an appointment with another doctor and go through the research on another device.

It is necessary to pass tests that are able to identify a probable intrauterine infection - influenza, exacerbation of herpes and others. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to undergo a doctor-appointed treatment.

Research and treatment can not be neglected, because infection can affect not only the mother, but also the baby. It can be born with congenital pneumonia of newborns , conjunctivitis, rashes on the body and other troubles. After the treatment, you need to undergo a second ultrasound examination. It is likely that the turbidity of the waters will leave after some time.