How to reduce lactation?

After becoming a mother, women start looking for answers to questions about their current state. One of these questions is: "How to reduce the amount of breast milk during lactation, or completely suppress lactation?". To learn at the expense of what the lactation decreases, let's see how the lactation process itself is.

Milk in the body of a woman is produced on demand. While the child is fed by mother's milk, it continues to be produced, and in the amount in which it is needed. If the baby gradually reduces the amount of milk consumed, it is accordingly produced less. according to his needs. If the baby stops taking breast from his mother, the milk stops developing at all. But it also happens that the child continues to take the breast further, although the mother believes that it is time to stop breastfeeding. Often it happens that the decrease in lactation occurs when the baby is weaned from the breast in connection with the transition to artificial feeding according to medical indications.

Also, the cause of the decrease or total suppression of lactation may be engorgement of the mother's mammary glands, various forms of lactational mastitis, stillbirth, the severe condition of the parturient mother, in which breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Methods for reducing lactation

To reduce lactation, one breastfeeding can be replaced with one lure until the amount of milk produced is optimal. The less often a child suckles, the less milk will be produced.

Another way to suppress lactation is to express. Pumping can be done with a breast pump or manually. If there is a lot of milk in the chest and the chest is slightly hardened, decant it until the breast is soft. In no case do not express the milk completely, so you will only strengthen the lactation. If the child rarely takes a breast, you can feed it with expressed milk from a bottle. So the child will get the best nutrition for him, and you will gradually reduce lactation accordingly.

Thus, with the help of expressing it is possible to control lactation, for example, to restore lactation, express more milk, and the next time the milk intake will increase.

How to reduce lactation with folk remedies?

Effective means for reducing lactation can be applied cabbage leaves, slightly rolled with a rolling pin. Cover the breast with leaves and do not remove until they become sluggish. The result will be noticeable after the first application.

Also, all kinds of diuretic herbs (cowberry, basil, horsetail, parsley, etc.) can be included in the means for reducing lactation. Especially it should be noted mint and sage. If infusions of mint and sage to brew and drink several glasses a day, lactation will decrease after a few days of application.

Preparations for lactation reduction

There are various pills to reduce lactation , but they can only be used as directed by a doctor. The composition of drugs for reducing lactation includes a special hormone that suspends the pituitary gland, resulting in the milk begins to be produced more slowly.

The most popular drugs for suppressing lactation: norkolut, bromocriptine, dostinex, the appointment of which appoints a doctor. These drugs have a hormonal basis, and have various contraindications and side effects, so the question of the presence of indications for suppressing lactation should be solved with the help of a doctor.

Use tablets to suppress lactation or apply traditional medicine, it's up to you to decide, but before you start taking action, be sure to consult a doctor.