Mushrooms chanterelle - medicinal properties

Brightly colored mushrooms are universal. They are very easy to assemble, they are never damaged by worms and rarely break. Finding a clearing with chanterelles, you can quickly and easily type a whole bucket. Mushrooms chanterelles, the useful properties of which will be discussed below, have a mass of substances important for humans, thanks to which their regular use makes it possible to deal with a variety of problems.

Useful and medicinal properties of chanterelles

In the composition of this product there are substances necessary for the human body, such as copper and zinc, the use of which promotes the excretion of radionuclides. It is worth noting the antibiotic healing property of chanterelles, which the product is endowed with the presence of vitamin D. In addition, the fungi contribute to the inhibition of cancer cells and the cessation of the development of tuberculosis.

The substances that are in this product made it possible to use chanterelles in fungotherapy - a current in Japanese medicine that involves mushroom therapy. Infusions of fungi can fight with abscesses and boils.

Effective red mushrooms in the prevention of helminthiases . The main active substance in chanterelles is chitinmannosis, which prevents growth of worms. Therefore, they easily destroy the larvae and eggs of parasites and remove them from the body in a natural way. In addition, the extraction of chitin mannose by pharmaceutical companies is widely used. On the basis of this substance, preparations are made for the treatment of hepatitis and such a means for purifying the liver as Ergosterol.

But we need to remember that chanterelles mushrooms can completely preserve their useful properties only in dry form. When heat treatment (cooking, frying), all important components lose their effectiveness.

It is useful to use chanterelles in excess weight. But the main condition in this case is the correct technique of preparation.

How to apply the medicinal properties of dry chanterelles?

Since during the preparation of mushrooms, they begin to lose their properties when reaching a temperature of 60 degrees, then it is advised to use dried mushrooms for treatment.

If you are completely confident in the ecological compatibility of the product, you can prepare an infusion of alcohol, which will save chitinmanosis. For this:

  1. Dry raw materials (3 small spoons) are placed in a container with medical alcohol (150 ml).
  2. Leave for about two weeks.
  3. Take this medicine one teaspoon before bedtime.

To get the effect, it will be enough to have a one-month course.