Sleeping pills at home

Many faced the inability to fall asleep. There are many means of combating this problem. Taking sleeping pills is one of them. However, the use of pharmacy drugs depresses brain activity without affecting the cause of insomnia. Unfortunately, the means that would cause a dream, not distinguishable from the present, has not been created. However, you can try to make sleeping pills at home, which will be completely safe.

Harmless sleeping pills

It is possible to overcome this problem without resorting to chemical preparations. Our ancestors quietly dispensed with drugs and used a variety of products to prepare recipes for insomnia. Special attention was paid to herbs.

The most common sedative is valerian. On its basis, they make medicines for insomnia and sleeping pills. The properties of grass are determined by the content of tannins, essential oils, organic acids and alkaloids. Valerian is widely used in cases of excessive excitability, anxiety, sleep disorders, neuroses, hypertension and migraine.

A good soothing property is possessed by the oregano plant. On its basis, a harmless hypnotic is made, able to help with insomnia, overwork, improve appetite and raise the general tone of the body.

To improve the quality of sleep, it is recommended to use oats. The broth prepared from it can act as a sedative. It effectively copes with insomnia , emotional and physical overstrain, unreasonable anxiety.

Due to the presence in the grass of passionflow of a huge amount of vitamins, in particular, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, coumarins and such useful trace elements as iron, potassium and calcium, it is actively used in the preparation of a home sleeping pill.

Melissa and mint have also found their application in the fight against insomnia. They relieve headaches, soothe the nervous system.

In addition to herbs, honey, diluted in milk, is used to make a sleeping pills strong at home. Before meals (four times a day) it is recommended to drink water, with honey dissolved in it (800 ml of water per 100 g of honey). The last dose should be taken half an hour before bedtime.

How to prepare sleeping pills?

For the normalization of sleep and the fight against increased nervous excitability, a recipe is recommended:

  1. The chopped root of valerian (spoon) is poured with boiled water (a glass). Remedy I leave to insist.
  2. After eight hours, filter the infusion.
  3. Drink the medicine three times throughout the day and once before going to bed, one large spoon.

Making a sleeping pills from oregano at home is done in this way:

  1. Put a spoonful of grass in a mug and fill it with hot water.
  2. After insisting (about half an hour) strain the remedy.
  3. Against insomnia, take a third cup three times a day.

For the normalization of sleep, oregano can be applied externally, washing the head before going to bed with a strong herbal decoction.

Oatmeal is used to prepare the following recipe:

  1. In a saucepan, 200 grams of oatmeal are covered and poured with water (liter).
  2. When the product begins to thicken, a spoonful of natural honey is put in it, it is removed from the fire after two minutes.
  3. Against insomnia drink in front of basic meals for half a cup.

From melissa and mint prepare infusion:

  1. A mug of boiling water is on a spoonful of herbs.
  2. Insist usually twenty minutes.
  3. Drink, like other remedies, three times throughout the day and once before going to bed.

But the tincture of passionflowers is added a couple drops in teas (no more than a spoonful on a glass) and ten drops are taken before bedtime.