Finger Games for Kids

It has long been known that small motor skills in children contribute to the formation of their brain and the development of speech. Movement of the hands helps to establish a strong relationship between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and ensure their synchronous work. And to stimulate the development of fine motor skills, finger games are designed.

The child begins to pay attention to his hands at about three months and already from this age you can spend finger games for kids. You can start with a slight stroking of the palms and fingers of the child for a couple of minutes. Looking through his fingers and slightly massaging them, you attract the attention of the baby and teach him to move his fingers separately. The importance of such finger games in the life of the baby can not be overestimated. The child early begins to stretch handles to my mother's face and hair. If you hang bright toys over the crib, the child not only begins to follow their eyes, but also reach for them with their hands, trying to touch these toys.

Parents develop a tactile perception of the child, letting them touch objects with different surfaces made of different materials. This is a finger game for the youngest. It is desirable that toys and objects that are used in finger games for toddlers, be made of natural materials and have a pleasant to the touch surface, for example, toys made of wood or natural wool. It is necessary to spend finger games for the youngest every day for two or three minutes, while talking gently to the child. Do not forget the important detail: since the child is all pulling into the mouth, toys should always be clean. During finger games, it is necessary to use toys of different sizes for toddlers, so that one of the toys the child can take completely with the palm of his hand, others to take and hold all the fingers, and some toys - only two.

Playing finger games with a child of up to a year, you can teach him basic actions and concepts: give, take, put, etc. Children usually learn from the earliest childhood to play "ladushki", "goat horned goat" and in magpie, which "kashka cooked. " All these games are finger games and gestures, invented in Russia.

When the child has already learned to sit, you can run the child's handles in a bag of beans or buckwheat or allow you to move toys from one box to another. Objects in finger games for kids should be of different shapes and sizes. And as soon as the child begins to walk, he always wants to dig in the sand or snow, touch flowers, grass leaves, check any objects to the touch and do not interfere with it. These children's finger games are a process of knowledge of the world around him, his tactile perception. Well, if adults supplement this process in their own words, explaining all the sensations of the child.

In finger games for small, it is necessary to include pyramids with dressing of multi-colored rings, bright cubes from which cars and small houses are assembled, designers with simple shape details.

Conducting finger games in 2 - 3 years, you can teach the child to button up buttons, buttons, hooks, tie laces. Do this without hurrying up, in the form of a game, accompanying it with the praise of the child for any achievements. Widely used developing finger games in the form of drawing and modeling. In 3 - 4 years the child's finger games can include the creation of hand-made articles with the help of glue and scissors.

Conducting finger games with music, you can develop a child's sense of rhythm, reveal his musical abilities, diversify the form of the game. Any song, accompanied by movements, flaps and gestures, activates the kids and gives impetus to their development. Do not forget that all finger games and exercises must be done systematically, repeating and fixing new movements.